Saturday, November 3, 2012

Carmine Forcina - Running as an Outsider

He wants sweeping change to the School Board. Does Elk Grove Unified need that kind of leadership?
Carmine Forcina wants to see big changes in the way our school district does business. From funding, leadership, communication, even where they sit, Forcina has little positive to say about the school board. Is this the change we need?

Meet the Candidate – Carmine Forcina, on today's RadioElkGrove. Let's look into it together.

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It's a “hard message”: Whatever is going well in our schools is to the credit of teachers or staff, and whatever is NOT going well is the fault of the school board. That's the view of Carmine Forcina, candidate for EGUSD Board of Trustees Area 7 seat. Forcina is running as an “outsider”
Though on the ballot Forcina is running against incumbent Al Rowlett, and former Parent Faculty Organization president and mother of three, Theresa Beals, Forcina's true opponent is the whole EGUSD school board and their track record.
Presently in retirement from over 30 years as an educational administrator and teacher in Santa Clara County, Forcina has plenty of opinions on what's wrong, and how things should be done. And he's under no illusions about the difficulties he faces in promoting change.
We spoke to Mr. Forcina at his Sacramento home, where his wife Susie makes a great cup of coffee. He told us why he was in the race.
[Listen to Forcina Interview]
Our thanks to Carmine Forcina, candidate for EGUSD's Board of Trustees Area 7. We also have interviews with his opponents, Al Rowlett and Theresa Beals.

This is RadioElkGrove.

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