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Climate change

United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.
What We Know about Climate Change
2010Feb 27
Support Climate Denial Crock of the Week - go to This is the same video as "What do we know about Climate Change?", except it has a small typo -- I've left it up since so many places already have it embedded. In the many responses I get to these videos, it appears that a number of people want to deny, or are not even aware, that there is a scientific foundation to the overwhelming consensus on climate change. In fact, the science is built on thousands of publications and many decades of observation. In this video we'll go over some of the fundamental discoveries, the basic facts that we know beyond a doubt, about global warming. Of course, many people will never believe science, because they believe that anything that challenges their world view, is all part of a secret, global conspiracy. Increases in Longwave forcing inferred from Outward longwave Trends in Forcings Downward Longwave Radiation Downward Longwave Radiation 29000 data sets, press release: 29000 data sets Global Energy Imbalance: Isotopes:

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