
Radio: BayFM78 ON8 feat. The GazettE, Aoi & Reita, Pt. I

Hello everyone!

Is everyone excited to read the translated radio transcript we have for you? I sure hope so! Radio shows are by far my most favourite to do when it comes to translations. They're a little challenging sometimes but much more fun, especially content wise. Kuma☆G is a happy translator when the content is interesting (*・∀・)v

I really wish I had the audio for this because it's harder to feel the atmosphere of the conversation. Also some things translated into English just aren't as funny, it's just lost in translation (;_;) However, I've tried my best to capture those feelings in the English translation, also a big thanks to the lovely B✿chan for helping edit and making sure everything is comprehensible.

Just a little note for those interested in using our translations

Feel free to translate it into your language/ other languages. All you need to do is credit link back to us, and let us know the link to your translation. If you have any more questions, send us an email. We would like you to let us know, mainly so we can promote it to people who follow us, and “mou ichido” it in other languages. :)

Alright, so as always without any further ado. On with the translations!

BAYFM78 ON8 10.07.2009

Guests: the GazettE: Reita & Aoi

Segment ①

DJ: And now, let's welcome tonight's guests on “ON8-Date”
       Two members from...the GazettE!
       Please introduce yourselves!

Aoi: Pardon the intrusion. I'm Aoi, from the GazettE.

Reita: Yes, and if you will excuse me as well. I'm Reita, on bass.

DJ: (chuckles) Well that's a new impression.

Reita: I apologize for the new impression...really~

DJ: A greeting like, “I'm sorry”…with that sort of an appearance...
       I want to thank the two of you for going out of your way to come here.

Aoi: Actually, we say it every time...but really, I'm serious about it each time.

DJ: We're kind of far out here, aren't we?! We're really far out! (laughs)

Reita: Really! Really!

Aoi: Come on, we're city people.

DJ: You say it every time! “It's so far...”
       But, like...right now with the two of you in the studio, the aura is great, isn't it.

Aoi: I know, right~! Absolutely!

Reita: Yeah, yeah!

DJ: I thought “Oh~it's too bright in here”

Aoi: (In a serious tone) It is, isn't it.
       And of course, even I've felt how awesome we are.

DJ: (laughs) Like “Oh~the aura's totally oozing out”?

Reita: Well, if you were looking at us, we're all wearing sunglasses...

DJ: Oh, that's why. I see~. Today, I'll be more careful, now that the two of you have made your appearance (laughs). Speaking of the GazettE, you all were here previously in July on ON8's 888segment...that was when Reita and Kai came to the studio...

Reita: Yup yup yup yup

DJ: And Aoi was featured in the “2009 shout from the heart” called, “Why am I not here?”

Aoi: Yep, yep.

DJ: And now he's here delivering tonight's first speech

Aoi: Yes

DJ: The person says in his message, “ON8...on the 8888th segment I would like to have a seat reserved for me”...

Aoi: Yes

Reita: U~hahaha (laughs)

DJ: On the 8888th segment...that's going to be another 40 years.

Aoi: Yes~Which is why I'm going be saying “Granny, this old gramp's tired~”

Reita: Yeah. I don't know if I'm going to be alive.

DJ: But, you should be happy, you'll still be active and making music...

Aoi: Umm...well...hmm. I'm probably going to back in the country side.

Reita: *Imitating Aoi* Umm...well...hmm...well...

DJ: Ahaha (laughs) Well that's after 40 years right!!
       But, won't you feel happy if you are able to do that!

Aoi: 40 years later, it's going to get pretty bad if I'm still doing this...seriously.

DJ: But even after 40 years you'll still have that magnificent aura

Aoi: Ahhhh~

DJ: I don't think you'll be able to cover it up. Ahaha (laughs)

Aoi: You're right, I honestly can't help my brilliant aura...

[End Pt. I]

Thoughts from クマ☆G:

Out of most of the radio programmes I looooove, absolutely looveee BAYFM. Their DJs are so funny!

It's also so much fun when they talk about random stuff like this. I just couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Aoi as a wrinkly old gramps—still oozing his magnificent star aura—back in the countryside! I thought that part was really hilarious.

A random thought I had, if Reita and Aoi were real comedians, they could be like Hama-chan and Macchan from Downtown!

Haha...Omg I'm sorry all the Reita and Aoi fans (myself included) I've degraded them to old men.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this segment and in case any of you were wondering

“Why is it so short?! How many more are there?!”

(Other than it being most of my rambling)

You actually have 7 more segments to go. So, no worries (*≧∀≦)
Here's a preview for the next part:
DJ: And what was _____'s reaction?

Reita: Completely expressionless.

Aoi: AHAHAHAHA (bursts out laughing and clapping his hands)

Reita: He just ignored me and ate his food.
Lastly, let us know what you think!

Till next time!

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