Write For The NYC Beat: The Huffington Post Citizen Journalism Music Blog

Write For The NYC Beat: The Huffington Post Citizen Journalism Music Blog
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Are you in the New York City area this summer? Are you interested in music journalism? Do you want to go to free concerts?

In an effort to grow our community of young, passionate citizen journalists, The Huffington Post is launching our first ever concert blog on the New York vertical. Check out the blog every week for chances to cover area concerts and music festivals, download new music and read reviews and set lists. It is the perfect way to get develop your journalistic skills while hearing the music you love.

Every week we will post a calendar of concerts happening in the New York City area. If you are interested in covering a concert, just sign up and tell us why you are the best journalist for the assignment. We hope you can participate in this exciting opportunity. Good luck!


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