China: Political and Economic Change

Can you name the China: Political and Economic Change

Forced Order Answers have to be entered in order
patterns of Political and Economic changes until the 19th Century
a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius.
a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source
The Qing Dynasty was founded by this group of people.
imperial rulers continued to strengthen this type of system
This concluded at the end of the Opium War in 1842
Members of the 'Righteous and Harmonious Fists' practiced this type of activity, which they believed would make them impervious to bullets
Quasi-Christian religious movement that resulted in the death of about 20 million people
failed 104-day national cultural, political and educational reform movement
revolution that overthrew China's last imperial dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and established the Republic of China
This man led the amalgam of groups that together formed the Revolutionary Alliance or Tongmenghui
This emperor was allowed to continue living in the Forbidden City
This man had effective control of the Beiyang Army, the most powerful military force in China at the time
shifting alliances of regional warlords fought for control of the Beijing government
Chinese representatives refused to sign this treaty due to intense pressure from both the student protesters and public opinion.
This man seized control of the Kuomintang and succeeded in bringing most of south and central China under its rule in a military campaign
the CPC forces embarked on this walk across China's most desolate terrain to the northwest
During the strategic retreat, the communists reorganized under a new leader, named
The two Chinese parties nominally formed a united front to oppose the Japanese in 1937 for this battle.
In October of 1949, the CPC captured this important city
nationalists fled to this island where they established their own government called the Republic of China.
Mao Zedong's plan was to concentrate efforts on the construction of industrial projects with help from the ___?
This is a series plans of social and economic development initiatives.
The result of this was seen as one of the largest economic recessions in modern day China
Mao's attempt to enforce communism in the country by removing capitalism
food grew beyond the quota was sold in the free market at unregulated prices thanks to this system.
Theory that states 'don't worry whether a policy was capitalist or socialist as long as it improved the economy'
students and others spoke out against corruption and in favor of greater political reform at this location
official statement of the ideology stipulates that the Communist Party of China should be representative to advanced social productive forces, advanced culture, and the interests o
This man gave the security services more authority to crack down on perceived threats to the Communist Party's grip on power.
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Forced Order: Answers have to be entered in order
Last Updated: Feb 16, 2017

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