The City 2.0 $10K Award Application
TED is proud to offer ten (10) awards of $10,000, coming out of the $100,000 TED Prize award, for local projects likely to spur the creation of the City 2.0. All applications must be submitted by May 22 to be considered. All shortlisted projects will be contacted for phone or video interviews. The awards may be handed out on a rolling basis, with all 10 awarded by and announced at TEDGlobal (end of June 2012).

In addition to the application, each member of the organizing group for your project must create a profile on and one member must add the project as an idea. We encourage you to invite more members of your community to create profiles and to join the idea.


1. Projects should be based on creative ideas that can be replicated and spread to other cities.

2. A group of people, rather than just an individual, must be committed to the project. We encourage cross-disciplinary teams and will favor organizing groups that actively engage residents in their work.

3. Unproven concepts with a strong action plan are welcome. Our goal is to help people experiment and think big.

4. Projects that have already begun are eligible for the award. In fact, evidence of progress already made is a benefit.

5. All projects, whether successful or not, will need to report back to us on their progress and findings. Details will be provided to winners directly.

6. All projects must fit reasonably under one of the City 2.0 categories presented in the wish: inclusive, innovative, healthy, thriving, or soulful. You can learn more about what type of projects fit under these categories by looking at the ideas page (and using the filter) on


1. Is the project feasible given the organizing group and the plan? Bold ideas grounded in practical understanding are best.

2. Will the $10,000 make a significant contribution to kickstarting the project? It need not be the complete budget but it should not be too small of a percentage of the initial needs.

3. Is the concept, or key insights derived from it, replicable? What can be learned from this project that can be applied to other cities? Projects that help other people think differently about their own city, its challenges and possibilities, are best.

4. How does the outcome of the project impact the bigger vision of The City 2.0? The City 2.0 is about connecting short-term action to long-term vision. A winning project is a possible solution or lesson in solving a larger challenge or reaching a larger goal.

Please email with any questions.

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Personal Information
First Name *
Please enter your first name.
Last Name *
Please enter your last name.
Email address *
Please enter your full email address.
Location *
Please enter the city and country where your project is located.
Organizing Team *
Who is on the organizing team? Please detail their roles and skills.
Project Details
Under which category does your project fall?
Scale *
Is the project city-wide or for a particular neighborhood/area/block?
Project Description *
Briefly describe your project and its goals. (Please no more than 2 paragraphs.)
Project Plan *
Briefly detail your action plan. What steps you will take in the next 12 months? What is your approximate timeline?
Budget *
Briefly outline the expected use of the $10,000 and how it fits into your overall budget.
Additional Information
Answering these questions is not required but is highly recommended. Remember to keep your answers brief.
Community Involvement
How will you involve the broader community in your project?
Long-Term Vision
What is your long-term vision? How does this project connect to your vision of your City 2.0?
Knowledge Sharing
What key lessons do you hope to learn and how might they be transferrable to others?
Parting Thoughts
Anything else you would like to add?
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