1. What is the device's range? Same as my router? What if I have a big mansion with devices on three floors?
CUJO connects to your router with an Ethernet cable, so range is not applicable since CUJO does not need to connect to each individual device to offer protection. If your device receives signal from your router, rest assured CUJO has it covered.
2. Will CUJO connect to my network?
To connect CUJO to your network you need to have a wireless router or extender. If you have two wireless routers at home, connect CUJO with an Ethernet cable to the router that you want to protected.
3. If someone else comes to my home with their tablet, laptop or phone and connects to my internet, will CUJO protect it?
When a visitor comes to your home and connects to the internet using your WiFi log in information, their devices will have full protection while they're connected.
4. If CUJO doesn't recognize a device, will it shut the device down?
CUJO will never shut down your connected devices. If it recognizes malicious activity in your network that is attacking a device, CUJO will block the hack or stop the activity on the back end without affecting the device itself. You can, however, choose to shut down any connected device using your CUJO app.
5. Can CUJO be used for small business? At what point would I get a consumer product vs. enterprise product to protect my small business?
While the device is powerful enough to protect some small businesses, that market isn't our focus. Our reasoning? Since homes are most vulnerable to attacks, the safety and security of your home is where the bulk of our efforts lie.
6. How many devices does CUJO protect at once?
To date we have not hit the ceiling, so this answer remains “to be determined.” That being said, our hardware is powerful enough to handle capacity in 99 percent of homes. This means CUJO is able to protect 50+ devices simultaneously.
7. What is the Indiegogo campaign close date?
The campaign closes on November 13, 2015.
8. If I live outside of the U.S., can I purchase CUJO and reap all its benefits?
Customers in Canada and the European Union can purchase CUJO to protect their homes. Even though the device will work elsewhere, the U.S., Canada and the European Union are the countries/regions we are focusing on from the regulatory and service perspective. Australia? Yes, your CUJO will work perfectly well in Australia. Please note that you may have to pay duties and taxes when shipping a CUJO outside of the US.
9. Is there a subscription for service?
There are two subscription options: one is a monthly subscription ($8.99) and the other is an annual subscription ($89).
10. What tech support is available?
To start, tech support will be available via phone and email from 8am to 6pm PST. Once we ship in the first quarter of 2016, tech support will be available 24/7/365.
11. What is the lifespan of the device? Will there be updated models? If so, how often?
We are building a device that will be improved through software updates, so our goal is not to sell you a new hardware product every year. We expect your CUJO device to last at least a few years before the hardware will need to be replaced. As we learn from our customers, we will release improved hardware versions when necessary, but again, our main focus is to improve the software.
12. How do I get software updates?
Software updates are available continuously, without service interruption. The CUJO cloud communicates updates and new threats to the device around the clock – it never takes a break, so your device is always up to date.
13. Why do I need CUJO?
We used to have 1 or 2 computers in our homes. Now our home is full of connected devices - from tablets to thermostats - that don't have proper security installed. Virtual criminals are exploiting our networks to steal data, destroy devices, and monitor us at home. This has led to countless incidents that have affected people both virtually and physically. CUJO acts as a shield for your entire home network, adapting continuously to keep you safe.
14. Do I still need Antivirus software for my PC?
CUJO does not scan what is on your PC, but rather looks at traffic coming to and leaving from your PC and other devices. Security needs to be multi-layered so it is absolutely important for you to have a good Antivirus software on your desktops and laptops.
15. Is CUJO going to completely hack-proof my home?
We see CUJO as a very important, hopefully most important, layer of your Internet security. That said, no single solution could protect you against 100% of attacks. For example, modern Antivirus solutions are said to be effective in less than half of attacks. We believe CUJO will be much more effective because it inspects attacks at the gateway level. However, you should keep your current software security and, most importantly, stay vigilant.
16. Can CUJO be hacked?
Any device can be hacked. It is a matter of how much effort and resources one would spend to do it. Being a security company we naturally focus much of our attention to prevent that from happening. We encrypt our connections. And we secured our hardware to be very difficult to penetrate. If it were to happen, criminals would not find much information since we do not store credit card data ourselves and we aggregate only limited packet information in the cloud.
17. Is CUJO a VPN device?
A VPN device secures the information you are sending to your destination. It does not keep you safe from criminals penetrating your network. Though we have a VPN feature in our product roadmap, we are focusing on the larger issue of home hacking. We do that in several ways: behavioral analysis of your device payloads, malware and virus scanning DNS, and packet inspection.
18. I would like more info about privacy. How much of my traffic will my CUJO capture?
It sees MOST of your traffic. We cannot see encrypted payload from banks, social media, etc. We do collect metadata headers based on deep packet inspection. Raw deep packet inspection NEVER leaves your CUJO device and it is not stored. When the CUJO device publishes the metadata, It is important to know that is encrypted and anonymized.
19. What do you collect and what do you keep? Do you log? Will you share with 3rd parties? Could you be required to divulge the information?”
We collect metadata based on destination IP addresses. We log that the communication of your CUJO device is functioning with our cloud. We will NOT share data with 3rd parties. If legally obliged, we can divulge, but the derived data may not be of much use.
20. You state that you anonymously analyze our traffic. How is this possible?
We do see your IP, and is anonymized. Messages come in via push notification on your mobile device.
21. Our home network consists of two access points, connected to a main switch, which then connects to an ERLite-3. Would the CUJO be connected between the router and main switch, or just directly into the main switch? I saw 2 ethernet ports on the back I though, so I was guessing the former was possible.
Plugging the CUJO into the main switch or the router will work.
22. Where can I learn more about CUJO the company?
Please visit our
CUJO website to find out more about us. Also, send us an email to hi@getcujo.com.
23. What are the Risks & Challenges associated with this project?
Our team is well equipped to deliver on our promises and to get you working products in time. We have both the technical expertise and previous experience to execute. With that said, there are several things that we need to overcome to succeed: 1) We need to finish electrical engineering. For that, we hired a company with multiple decades of hardware engineering experience. 2) We need to perfect the software. Our beta products are already equipped for that task, but over the next few months we will have to improve software to support thousands of homes. This is certainly a challenge, but one that we have collective experience to overcome. 3) We rely on 3rd party suppliers to build the CUJO hardware. We've approached the vendor selection very carefully, but some aspects and deliverables will always remain out of our control. Given the experience of our suppliers, we trust that there will be minimal unforeseen issues.