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Viewing Islands
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Exhibition note Ver.0.85

comet Morigi 展「建築家のギャラリーから、島を望む」

“Viewing Islands, from the Gallery by an Architect”

Presented by SOLAno Gallery

until Sep.15th, 2010.


This exhibition has 3 phases as shown below.

1) The Artist made Off-sim islands surrounding the gallery. You view the islands through the back wall which the Artist made transparent.

2) On the wall inside the gallery are some document photos, a model from a past landwork, and snapshots of their collectors’ rooms.

3) The observatory to view the islands is on a small hill west-next to the gallery. You can find this by following the line of hovering seagulls.

A gallery managed by an architect (Ichiro Farse)is different from one managed by a dealer or a curator. An architect is a maker as much as an Artist. For an architect, laying out pictures on walls is done with the same sense as laying out windows or air vents.

For this display, I remade the gallery and its environment for the architecture. Although I made a wall and floor transparent, the windows and floor are the same in size/layout/shape/texture/color.

The intention is to exhibit what I did to the gallery, rather than to exhibit something in the gallery.

You discover works ONLY BECAUSE they are in a gallery within the expected Art context. If you destroyed  the gallery, visitors couldn’t find your works there. That’s why I continue to have the gallery as the basis for exhibiting my work.

I appreciate the sims KAZE&SOLA residents’ patience during my 3 months working on this town.

Also Kaikou Splash for me, who specialized his hovering seagulls “Thermal Catcher” to “Wind Catcher,” so that they keep facing against the current SL wind.

Jul.15, 2010

comet Morigi, the Artist

**Japanese below **

** 日本語版 **

comet Morigi 展「建築家のギャラリーから、島を望む」






建築家(Ichiro Farse)の営むギャラリーは、画商や学芸員のギャラリーに比べて、やや趣が異なります。建築家の方が、ものつくりの立場に近い。絵を壁に並べることと、窓や換気口を配置することが、近しい感覚に有ります。




街に接した現地制作に、三ヶ月も辛抱強くお付き合い頂きました、シムKAZE&SOLA の皆様へ、心より御礼申し上げます。

Kaiko Splash氏より、浮遊型カモメ「上昇気流乗り」を「風向かい」に改造して頂きました。風見鶏のように風に向かい続けるものです。


comet Morigi, 美術家