Friday Night Vids :: Marie Stella + Junk Culture + Sebadoh + CFCF + Crystal Stilts + EMA + Tune-Yards

For your streaming pleasure, here is the latest Friday Night Vids
Streamable: Break Thru Radio Session at Serious Business Studios (youtube) by Marie Stella (as seen)

Downloadable: En Fluxx (mp3)

Streamable: Summer Friends (youtube) by Junk Culture

Downloadable: Summer Friends (mp3)

Streamable: Skulls by Sebadoh

Downloadable: Oven Is My Friend 7″ (1990) (sebadoh dot com zip) (WARNING: contents may harsh your mellow)

Streamable: It was Never Meant to be (Games Remix) by CFCF (as seen)

Streamable: Through The Floor by Crystal Stilts

Streamable: California by EMA

You may also want to check that crazy new Tune-Yards video over @

UPDATE: Bizness (youtube) by Tune-Yards

Downloadable: Bizness (mp3)
Friday Night Vids

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