Travelocity Gnome Now Roaming on Foursquare

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Travelocity Gnome Now Roaming on Foursquare
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The move rounds out the Gnome's social media portfolio -- which, in addition to Chatroulette, includes a very active presence on Facebook and Twitter.

Fans can look for the gnome to check in at various locations across London over the course of the weekend, says Travelocity representative Joel Frey.

Frey also tells us that the Gnome's foray into Foursquare was timed with Virgin Atlantic's first seasonal flight from Chicago to London yesterday. In fact, Gnome lovers can check out photos from the glamorous first-class trip on his Facebook Page.

Which brings us to the bigger picture. Location-sharing isn't exactly an activity that can be completed behind a desk. I asked Frey whether or not the Gnome would be open to meeting up with fans during his worldly treks, to which he replied, "We'd love to run into Fousquare friends and will also being do a tweetup on Tuesday evening."

"To have an icon like the Gnome at our disposal to engage with travelers on all of these new communication channels is an amazing opportunity and we'd be foolish not to play," Frey concluded.

We tend to agree and find social media to be the perfect vehicle for the Gnome to spread the Travelocity message. Bon voyage!

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[img credits: Travelocity]

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