DroneDeploy iOS app is now live
You can download it at http://j.mp/dd-ios-app
If you would like to still fill in your information - you're welcome to below.
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This is a BETA *
Thank you for your interest in the DroneDeploy iOS beta.  Before we start - we want to remind you that this is a beta - this means we've done a lot of testing, but we aren't able to test on every iOS device + drone combination, so please bear with us! It also means that we'll be rapidly updating and improving the product.  We also really value your feedback. If there's something we're doing wrong, or not doing yet - please do let us know at beta@dronedeploy.com so we can resolve any issues! Please also remember that you can ALWAYS take control of your drone by changing into 'P' or 'A' mode using the mode switch.
What is your registered DroneDeploy account? *
(Email address)
What is your registered Apple ID? (we need this to invite you to test the app from the app store) *
How are you currently acquiring Images? *
How are you currently processing your data? *
How are you using your data? *
How many maps do you currently make a week? *
What industry are you processing this data for? *
What is the most important question you are trying to answer with your data? *
Have you ever been in a beta before? *
Any other comments? *
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