5 Fresh and Free To-Do List Apps for iPhone

5 Fresh and Free To-Do List Apps for iPhone
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Making a to-do list on the device you take everywhere -- your phone -- is a great way to get organized. You can whip it out at any point to add an item, or -- joy of joys -- cross one off.

We've taken a look at the to-do lists in the App Store and have come up with five fresh options that will help your productivity in specific ways. Best of all, each one is free.

1. Lucid Lists Free

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This list app offers great functionality and is perfect for anyone who needs reminders for recurring tasks. Whether it's returning library books, de-fleaing the cat, car maintenance or just a nudge to call your grandmother, Lucid Lists helps you set up reminders for repeating tasks.

Tasks are categorized as "raw" denoting a new or far-off task, "ripe," which means ready for action, or "rotten" if you've missed the due date. This system provides an at-a-glance look at what needs doing and should help anyone stay on track of regular chores.

Developer: Kembipro

Best for: Ongoing time management

2. Errands To-Do List

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This functional app offers a calendar-based way to manage your tasks and alerts to make sure you remember to do them. Add a new item to your to-do list and you can set up folders, priority levels, due date and due time. Setting a due time means you can accompany the task with an alert to go off at various timed intervals before it's due.

You can also view monthly calendars that show tasks due on different dates, which is a great way of getting an overview of just what it is your to-do list has in store for you.

Developer: Yoctoville

Best for: Anyone who needs reminder alerts

3. Home&Work Lite

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Ideal for anyone who has a very busy home and work life, this app separates the two areas, offering a micro-managed way of keeping on top of all your tasks, as well as personal projects and study.

Within the "work", "home," "project," "school" and "personal" sections, you can add to-do items and other tasks into a plethora of sub-sections such as appointments, documents, events, yard work, etc. There's even a "to-think" category, if you're so busy you need to remind yourself to do so.

Developer: Manumatix

Best for: Control freaks

4. Listable

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Listable is a very capable option for anyone who shares to-do lists with partners, housemates or colleagues. Once you've set up a list, you can share it via an e-mail invite. The new collaborator can then view the list on his or her iPhone, or online if they are iPhone deficient.

The lists themselves are simple -- you create tasks as text entries and then tick them off or delete them once complete. The app also offers an "activity stream" view, so if you have shared lists with others, there's an at-a-glance way to view who has done what, and when.

Developer: StackBuilders

Best for: To-do list collaboration

5. ListPro

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The developer describes this app as the "ultimate list making toolkit," and with its free price tag, we'd definitely agree. ListPro is a seriously comprehensive app that lets you create any kind of to-do list, from simple checklists right through to custom lists as complex as you care to create.

It's not just the creation options that are complex -- the options within the lists leave no stone unturned. Within to-do lists you can highlight, indent, and add categories, priority ratings, flags and more. Once you've created your lists, you can then re-arrange items, filter results and send an e-mail reminder.

We're just touching the surface of what this app is capable of. If you're a die-hard to-do list fan, or want to try and become one, this app comes highly recommended.

Developer: Ilium Software

Best for: List fiends

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