The DO’s and DON’Ts when Receiving a Deferral: The DON’Ts

Post By: COYD Staff

deferred college1. Don’t rest all your hopes on the deferral turning into an acceptance.

Don’t be stubborn, and accept the fact that you might not get an acceptance. Have your other applications ready. There should be a good mix of reach, match, and safety schools.

2. Don’t call the admissions office if they specifically tell you not to.

This could be quite annoying, but more importantly, it shows that you don’t know how to follow instructions and that you think you deserve special treatment.

3. Don’t be a whiner and don’t compare yourself with another student who was admitted.

If you end up writing a letter or calling the admissions office, the purpose of the call/letter is to get information or give new information. It is not a chance for you to argue your “case” with the admissions officer. Never compare yourself to another student you know who received an acceptance letter yet was not as qualified as you. This exemplifies immaturity, and it is quite disrespectful to the admissions officer. You are basically telling them that they do not know what they are doing.

4. Don’t have entitlement issues.

This can show in the tone of a call or letter. Get rid of the sense of entitlement, and I promise your letter will be more effective.

5. Don’t look too desperate.

Don’t effusively write about your interest in their college. Be professional, and show confidence in yourself. Show gratitude and interest, and then spend the bulk of the letter with new additions.

6. Don’t lose hope and do nothing.

Many lose hope after receiving a deferral, and this negatively affects their confidence and their other applications. Don’t let it get you down.

7. Don’t talk to all of your friends and classmates about your deferral.

Obviously it’s hard to ignore your classmates regarding early decision results because most people receive them around the same time. However, one of the big things that gets people down is comparing themselves with other classmates. Maybe the smartest person in your class gets deferred from their top choice, or maybe the person you despise got into your dream school. Other people are distractions and oftentimes affect your performance on your other applications. If possible, just don’t discuss college applications until you have submitted all of them. Don’t read your classmates’ Facebook or Twitter because many of them will flaunt their acceptance. Just focus on your application and don’t get distracted by everybody else.

Okay, those are the DO’s and DON’Ts; now, get on it!! Good luck everybody!


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