Obama spokesman fires back at Franklin Graham
Obama takes in Willow Smith performance at egg roll

Obama's 2012 campaign: 'New, better, faster, sleeker'

By Richard Wolf, USA TODAY

President Obama's re-election campaign manager has a message for all would-be volunteers: Run the same campaign again, and he could lose the White House.

In an urgent, six-minute video appeal to supporters, Jim Messina says the 2012 campaign must be "new, better, faster and sleeker" than the 2008 version.

"In 2012, we have the opportunity to make 2008 look prehistoric," Messina says. He goes on to advocate a bigger scale, an expanded electorate and new technologies to "really reinvent this campaign."

To do that, the Chicago-based operation plans a series of listening sessions in every state as it attempts to build teams of volunteers. Once plans are in place, it will be systematic in assessing progress.

"This is the thing I'm passionate about," Messina says. "This campaign has to be metric-driven. We're going to measure every single thing in this campaign."

That includes doors knocked on, phone calls made, the size of e-mail lists -- and, perhaps most important, money raised. Messina points out that Republicans will have an estimated $120 million to spend from outside groups as a result of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.

"We ought not to act like an incumbent," Messina says in the appeal. "We ought to act like an insurgent campaign that wakes up every single day trying to get every single vote we can."

Obama spokesman fires back at Franklin Graham
Obama takes in Willow Smith performance at egg roll
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