5 Ways Cities Are Using Social Media to Reverse Economic Downturn

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5 Ways Cities Are Using Social Media to Reverse Economic Downturn
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When Orlando was wooing a New York City-based company, it heard a concern that it wasn't considered “edgy” enough and was too “theme-parkish.” To demonstrate an “edgier” image, the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission created a microsite with a YouTube and Flickr presence. The city also sourced stories from their members as well as testimonials about why they love living and working in Orlando through Facebook, Twitter and its e-newsletter.

The result? Orlando was shortlisted and matched against the target company's home base of Manhattan. The company decided not to relocate, but the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission credits social media as part of what helped rebrand their city and make a strong showing in its recruiting efforts.

2. Showcasing Story Ideas for the Media

The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) used social media to generate media interest. The DBED launched a new website –- ChooseMaryland -– along with branded social media channels including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr.

Since launching its social media channels, the DBED has seen its efforts turn into news stories and media opportunities, including a story in the Maryland Daily Record, an interview by tech correspondent Mario Armstrong on his Digital Café radio show as well as retweets and blog posts by reporters from the Washington Post and Baltimore Sun.

Further south, the Greater Richmond Partnership, Inc. posts videos on YouTube of CEOs who have successfully relocated their companies, businesses that are growing in the area, and community leaders extolling the benefits of their city -- all as promotional tools. They also created a series of videos titled Boundless Creativity specifically for a UK conference for businesses interested in expanding their presence to the U.S. to promote the creative class centered in greater Richmond.

3. Attracting Former Residents Back to an Area

In the Midwest, the Republic County Economic Development in Kansas uses LinkedIn and Facebook to locate and reach out to alumni and other former residents. The goal? To entice them back to their region to fill available jobs or to relocate their companies and create new jobs. The organization uses LinkedIn to identify professionals who might match the services that are needed in the county. The hope is that if someone already has a connection to their area, they may have more incentive to return. The agency rounds out its social media efforts with a YouTube channel to promote a positive image about its communities.

The county hired Jenny Russell, an external Internet and social media marketer to handle the launch of the social media channels and to manage the day-to-day. As the Republic County Economic Development co-coordinator, Russell estimates that she spends about seven hours per week on social media promotions and management.

4. Linking Job Seekers to Jobs

Workforce development is a major aspect of economic development, and social media has been a useful way for economic development groups to promote and get results. In addition to the Greater Richmond Partnership's (GRP) social media channels for outreach on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, the organization also launched social media channels for its workforce program, RichmondJobNet. Those job-specific channels include a Facebook Page and a Twitter presence. According to Jennifer Yeager, marketing communications consultant for the GRP, of the 21,500 tweets the organization has posted, 90% have been job listings.

5. Promoting Local and Regional Businesses and Assets

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The Roanoke Regional Partnership catalogued the destinations and activities for its region in a comprehensive website in order to raise interest in outdoor assets like the Blue Ridge Mountains, Appalachian Trail and Blue Ridge Parkway. Then it began using Facebook and Twitter to create or promote events such as scavenger hunts, outdoor expos and a film festival. They also use social media to share new data about outdoor businesses in the region, solicit input from residents for outdoor activities and answer questions for people planning outings.

The economic development agency, which represents three cities and four counties in southwest Virginia, has four Facebook accounts and four Twitter pages. According to Thomas Becher, president of public relations and advertising agency tba, within one year of adding social media to its communications mix, greenway use in the area was up 29% and state parks usage rose 12% - four times the average in Virginia.

What Does the Future Hold?

With social media adoption growing rapidly amongst economic developers in the past year, where else can they go to reach their audience and goals? Louisiana Economic Development has its sights set on mobile with the recent launch of EQ, its quarterly economic report publication for the iPad. The interactive app includes videos, photographs and content showcasing Louisiana's economic progress, business successes and Q&A's with industry leaders in the state.

“Economic development groups are increasingly turning to social media as a means of communicating both within their communities and externally with key audiences,” said Ryan Shell, director of digital and social media for DCI. “The medium has enormous potential for our profession.”

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