# · Python · 921 lines · 840 code · 19 blank · 62 comment · 14 complexity · 94a72dadc03876f8e2ad53924fb15ff6 MD5 · raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import platform
- from fnmatch import fnmatch
- from cStringIO import StringIO
- import cola
- from cola import i18n
- from cola import core
- from cola import errors
- from cola import gitcfg
- from cola import gitcmds
- from cola import utils
- from cola import signals
- from cola import cmdfactory
- from cola import difftool
- from cola.diffparse import DiffParser
- from cola.models import selection
- _notifier = cola.notifier()
- _factory = cmdfactory.factory()
- _config = gitcfg.instance()
- class BaseCommand(object):
- """Base class for all commands; provides the command pattern"""
- def __init__(self):
- self.undoable = False
- def is_undoable(self):
- """Can this be undone?"""
- return self.undoable
- def name(self):
- """Return this command's name."""
- return self.__class__.__name__
- def do(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('%s.do() is unimplemented' % self.name())
- def undo(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('%s.undo() is unimplemented' % self.name())
- class Command(BaseCommand):
- """Base class for commands that modify the main model"""
- def __init__(self):
- """Initialize the command and stash away values for use in do()"""
- # These are commonly used so let's make it easier to write new commands.
- BaseCommand.__init__(self)
- self.model = cola.model()
- self.old_diff_text = self.model.diff_text
- self.old_filename = self.model.filename
- self.old_mode = self.model.mode
- self.old_head = self.model.head
- self.new_diff_text = self.old_diff_text
- self.new_filename = self.old_filename
- self.new_head = self.old_head
- self.new_mode = self.old_mode
- def do(self):
- """Perform the operation."""
- self.model.set_diff_text(self.new_diff_text)
- self.model.set_filename(self.new_filename)
- self.model.set_head(self.new_head)
- self.model.set_mode(self.new_mode)
- def undo(self):
- """Undo the operation."""
- self.model.set_diff_text(self.old_diff_text)
- self.model.set_filename(self.old_filename)
- self.model.set_head(self.old_head)
- self.model.set_mode(self.old_mode)
- class AmendMode(Command):
- """Try to amend a commit."""
- def __init__(self, amend):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.undoable = True
- self.skip = False
- self.amending = amend
- self.old_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- if self.amending:
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_amend
- self.new_head = 'HEAD^'
- self.new_commitmsg = self.model.prev_commitmsg()
- return
- # else, amend unchecked, regular commit
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_none
- self.new_head = 'HEAD'
- self.new_diff_text = ''
- self.new_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- # If we're going back into new-commit-mode then search the
- # undo stack for a previous amend-commit-mode and grab the
- # commit message at that point in time.
- if not _factory.undostack:
- return
- undo_count = len(_factory.undostack)
- for i in xrange(undo_count):
- # Find the latest AmendMode command
- idx = undo_count - i - 1
- cmdobj = _factory.undostack[idx]
- if type(cmdobj) is not AmendMode:
- continue
- if cmdobj.amending:
- self.new_commitmsg = cmdobj.old_commitmsg
- break
- def do(self):
- """Leave/enter amend mode."""
- """Attempt to enter amend mode. Do not allow this when merging."""
- if self.amending:
- if os.path.exists(self.model.git.git_path('MERGE_HEAD')):
- self.skip = True
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.amend, False)
- _factory.prompt_user(signals.information,
- 'Oops! Unmerged',
- 'You are in the middle of a merge.\n'
- 'You cannot amend while merging.')
- return
- self.skip = False
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.amend, self.amending)
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.new_commitmsg)
- Command.do(self)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- def undo(self):
- if self.skip:
- return
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.old_commitmsg)
- Command.undo(self)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class ApplyDiffSelection(Command):
- def __init__(self, staged, selected, offset, selection, apply_to_worktree):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.staged = staged
- self.selected = selected
- self.offset = offset
- self.selection = selection
- self.apply_to_worktree = apply_to_worktree
- def do(self):
- # The normal worktree vs index scenario
- parser = DiffParser(self.model,
- filename=self.model.filename,
- cached=self.staged,
- reverse=self.apply_to_worktree)
- status, output = \
- parser.process_diff_selection(self.selected,
- self.offset,
- self.selection,
- apply_to_worktree=self.apply_to_worktree)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, output)
- # Redo the diff to show changes
- if self.staged:
- diffcmd = DiffStaged([self.model.filename])
- else:
- diffcmd = Diff([self.model.filename])
- diffcmd.do()
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class ApplyPatches(Command):
- def __init__(self, patches):
- Command.__init__(self)
- patches.sort()
- self.patches = patches
- def do(self):
- diff_text = ''
- num_patches = len(self.patches)
- orig_head = self.model.git.rev_parse('HEAD')
- for idx, patch in enumerate(self.patches):
- status, output = self.model.git.am(patch,
- with_status=True,
- with_stderr=True)
- # Log the git-am command
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, output)
- if num_patches > 1:
- diff = self.model.git.diff('HEAD^!', stat=True)
- diff_text += 'Patch %d/%d - ' % (idx+1, num_patches)
- diff_text += '%s:\n%s\n\n' % (os.path.basename(patch), diff)
- diff_text += 'Summary:\n'
- diff_text += self.model.git.diff(orig_head, stat=True)
- # Display a diffstat
- self.model.set_diff_text(diff_text)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- _factory.prompt_user(signals.information,
- 'Patch(es) Applied',
- '%d patch(es) applied:\n\n%s' %
- (len(self.patches),
- '\n'.join(map(os.path.basename, self.patches))))
- class Checkout(Command):
- """
- A command object for git-checkout.
- 'argv' is handed off directly to git.
- """
- def __init__(self, argv, checkout_branch=False):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.argv = argv
- self.checkout_branch = checkout_branch
- self.new_diff_text = ''
- def do(self):
- status, output = self.model.git.checkout(with_stderr=True,
- with_status=True, *self.argv)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, output)
- if self.checkout_branch:
- self.model.update_status()
- else:
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class CheckoutBranch(Checkout):
- """Checkout a branch."""
- def __init__(self, branch, checkout_branch=True):
- Checkout.__init__(self, [branch])
- class CherryPick(Command):
- """Cherry pick commits into the current branch."""
- def __init__(self, commits):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.commits = commits
- def do(self):
- self.model.cherry_pick_list(self.commits)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class ResetMode(Command):
- """Reset the mode and clear the model's diff text."""
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_none
- self.new_head = 'HEAD'
- self.new_diff_text = ''
- def do(self):
- Command.do(self)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class Commit(ResetMode):
- """Attempt to create a new commit."""
- def __init__(self, amend, msg):
- ResetMode.__init__(self)
- self.amend = amend
- self.msg = core.encode(msg)
- self.old_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- self.new_commitmsg = ''
- def do(self):
- tmpfile = utils.tmp_filename('commit-message')
- status, output = self.model.commit_with_msg(self.msg, tmpfile, amend=self.amend)
- if status == 0:
- ResetMode.do(self)
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.new_commitmsg)
- title = 'Commit: '
- else:
- title = 'Commit failed: '
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, title+output)
- class Ignore(Command):
- """Add files to .gitignore"""
- def __init__(self, filenames):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.filenames = filenames
- def do(self):
- new_additions = ''
- for fname in self.filenames:
- new_additions = new_additions + fname + '\n'
- for_status = new_additions
- if new_additions:
- if os.path.exists('.gitignore'):
- current_list = utils.slurp('.gitignore')
- new_additions = new_additions + current_list
- utils.write('.gitignore', new_additions)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd,
- 0,
- 'Added to .gitignore:\n%s' % for_status)
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class Delete(Command):
- """Simply delete files."""
- def __init__(self, filenames):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.filenames = filenames
- # We could git-hash-object stuff and provide undo-ability
- # as an option. Heh.
- def do(self):
- rescan = False
- for filename in self.filenames:
- if filename:
- try:
- os.remove(filename)
- rescan=True
- except:
- _factory.prompt_user(signals.information,
- 'Error'
- 'Deleting "%s" failed.' % filename)
- if rescan:
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class DeleteBranch(Command):
- """Delete a git branch."""
- def __init__(self, branch):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.branch = branch
- def do(self):
- status, output = self.model.delete_branch(self.branch)
- title = ''
- if output.startswith('error:'):
- output = 'E' + output[1:]
- else:
- title = 'Info: '
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, title + output)
- class Diff(Command):
- """Perform a diff and set the model's current text."""
- def __init__(self, filenames, cached=False):
- Command.__init__(self)
- # Guard against the list of files being empty
- if not filenames:
- return
- opts = {}
- if cached:
- opts['ref'] = self.model.head
- self.new_filename = filenames[0]
- self.old_filename = self.model.filename
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_worktree
- self.new_diff_text = gitcmds.diff_helper(filename=self.new_filename,
- cached=cached, **opts)
- class Diffstat(Command):
- """Perform a diffstat and set the model's diff text."""
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- diff = self.model.git.diff(self.model.head,
- unified=_config.get('diff.context', 3),
- no_color=True,
- M=True,
- stat=True)
- self.new_diff_text = core.decode(diff)
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_worktree
- class DiffStaged(Diff):
- """Perform a staged diff on a file."""
- def __init__(self, filenames):
- Diff.__init__(self, filenames, cached=True)
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_index
- class DiffStagedSummary(Command):
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- diff = self.model.git.diff(self.model.head,
- cached=True,
- no_color=True,
- patch_with_stat=True,
- M=True)
- self.new_diff_text = core.decode(diff)
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_index
- class Difftool(Command):
- """Run git-difftool limited by path."""
- def __init__(self, staged, filenames):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.staged = staged
- self.filenames = filenames
- def do(self):
- if not self.filenames:
- return
- args = []
- if self.staged:
- args.append('--cached')
- if self.model.head != 'HEAD':
- args.append(self.model.head)
- args.append('--')
- args.extend(self.filenames)
- difftool.launch(args)
- class Edit(Command):
- """Edit a file using the configured gui.editor."""
- def __init__(self, filenames, line_number=None):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.filenames = filenames
- self.line_number = line_number
- def do(self):
- filename = self.filenames[0]
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- return
- editor = self.model.editor()
- opts = []
- if self.line_number is None:
- opts = self.filenames
- else:
- # Single-file w/ line-numbers (likely from grep)
- editor_opts = {
- '*vim*': ['+'+self.line_number, filename],
- '*emacs*': ['+'+self.line_number, filename],
- '*textpad*': ['%s(%s,0)' % (filename, self.line_number)],
- '*notepad++*': ['-n'+self.line_number, filename],
- }
- opts = self.filenames
- for pattern, opt in editor_opts.items():
- if fnmatch(editor, pattern):
- opts = opt
- break
- utils.fork(utils.shell_split(editor) + opts)
- class FormatPatch(Command):
- """Output a patch series given all revisions and a selected subset."""
- def __init__(self, to_export, revs):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.to_export = to_export
- self.revs = revs
- def do(self):
- status, output = gitcmds.format_patchsets(self.to_export, self.revs)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, output)
- class LoadCommitMessage(Command):
- """Loads a commit message from a path."""
- def __init__(self, path):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.undoable = True
- self.path = path
- self.old_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- self.old_directory = self.model.directory
- def do(self):
- path = self.path
- if not path or not os.path.isfile(path):
- raise errors.UsageError('Error: cannot find commit template',
- '%s: No such file or directory.' % path)
- self.model.set_directory(os.path.dirname(path))
- self.model.set_commitmsg(utils.slurp(path))
- def undo(self):
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.old_commitmsg)
- self.model.set_directory(self.old_directory)
- class LoadCommitTemplate(LoadCommitMessage):
- """Loads the commit message template specified by commit.template."""
- def __init__(self):
- LoadCommitMessage.__init__(self, _config.get('commit.template'))
- def do(self):
- if self.path is None:
- raise errors.UsageError('Error: unconfigured commit template',
- 'A commit template has not been configured.\n'
- 'Use "git config" to define "commit.template"\n'
- 'so that it points to a commit template.')
- return LoadCommitMessage.do(self)
- class LoadPreviousMessage(Command):
- """Try to amend a commit."""
- def __init__(self, sha1):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.sha1 = sha1
- self.old_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- self.new_commitmsg = self.model.prev_commitmsg(sha1)
- self.undoable = True
- def do(self):
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.new_commitmsg)
- def undo(self):
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.old_commitmsg)
- class Mergetool(Command):
- """Launch git-mergetool on a list of paths."""
- def __init__(self, paths):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.paths = paths
- def do(self):
- if not self.paths:
- return
- utils.fork(['git', 'mergetool', '--no-prompt', '--'] + self.paths)
- class OpenRepo(Command):
- """Launches git-cola on a repo."""
- def __init__(self, dirname):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.new_directory = utils.quote_repopath(dirname)
- def do(self):
- self.model.set_directory(self.new_directory)
- utils.fork([sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '--repo', self.new_directory])
- class Clone(Command):
- """Clones a repository and optionally spawns a new cola session."""
- def __init__(self, url, destdir, spawn=True):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.url = url
- self.new_directory = utils.quote_repopath(destdir)
- self.spawn = spawn
- def do(self):
- self.model.git.clone(self.url, self.new_directory,
- with_stderr=True, with_status=True)
- if self.spawn:
- utils.fork(['python', sys.argv[0], '--repo', self.new_directory])
- rescan = 'rescan'
- class Rescan(Command):
- """Rescans for changes."""
- def do(self):
- self.model.update_status()
- rescan_and_refresh = 'rescan_and_refresh'
- class RescanAndRefresh(Command):
- """Rescans for changes."""
- def do(self):
- self.model.update_status(update_index=True)
- class RunConfigAction(Command):
- """Run a user-configured action, typically from the "Tools" menu"""
- def __init__(self, name):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- self.model = cola.model()
- def do(self):
- for env in ('FILENAME', 'REVISION', 'ARGS'):
- try:
- del os.environ[env]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- rev = None
- args = None
- opts = _config.get_guitool_opts(self.name)
- cmd = opts.get('cmd')
- if 'title' not in opts:
- opts['title'] = cmd
- if 'prompt' not in opts or opts.get('prompt') is True:
- prompt = i18n.gettext('Are you sure you want to run %s?') % cmd
- opts['prompt'] = prompt
- if opts.get('needsfile'):
- filename = selection.filename()
- if not filename:
- _factory.prompt_user(signals.information,
- 'Please select a file',
- '"%s" requires a selected file' % cmd)
- return
- os.environ['FILENAME'] = filename
- if opts.get('revprompt') or opts.get('argprompt'):
- while True:
- ok = _factory.prompt_user(signals.run_config_action, cmd, opts)
- if not ok:
- return
- rev = opts.get('revision')
- args = opts.get('args')
- if opts.get('revprompt') and not rev:
- title = 'Invalid Revision'
- msg = 'The revision expression cannot be empty.'
- _factory.prompt_user(signals.critical, title, msg)
- continue
- break
- elif opts.get('confirm'):
- title = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('title'))
- prompt = os.path.expandvars(opts.get('prompt'))
- if not _factory.prompt_user(signals.question, title, prompt):
- return
- if rev:
- os.environ['REVISION'] = rev
- if args:
- os.environ['ARGS'] = args
- title = os.path.expandvars(cmd)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, 0, 'running: ' + title)
- cmd = ['sh', '-c', cmd]
- if opts.get('noconsole'):
- status, out, err = utils.run_command(cmd, flag_error=False)
- else:
- status, out, err = _factory.prompt_user(signals.run_command,
- title, cmd)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status,
- 'stdout: %s\nstatus: %s\nstderr: %s' %
- (out.rstrip(), status, err.rstrip()))
- if not opts.get('norescan'):
- self.model.update_status()
- return status
- class SetDiffText(Command):
- def __init__(self, text):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.undoable = True
- self.new_diff_text = text
- class ShowUntracked(Command):
- """Show an untracked file."""
- # We don't actually do anything other than set the mode right now.
- # TODO check the mimetype for the file and handle things
- # generically.
- def __init__(self, filenames):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_untracked
- # TODO new_diff_text = utils.file_preview(filenames[0])
- class SignOff(Command):
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.undoable = True
- self.old_commitmsg = self.model.commitmsg
- def do(self):
- signoff = self.signoff()
- if signoff in self.model.commitmsg:
- return
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.model.commitmsg + '\n' + signoff)
- def undo(self):
- self.model.set_commitmsg(self.old_commitmsg)
- def signoff(self):
- try:
- import pwd
- user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
- except ImportError:
- user = os.getenv('USER', 'unknown')
- name = _config.get('user.name', user)
- email = _config.get('user.email', '%s@%s' % (user, platform.node()))
- return '\nSigned-off-by: %s <%s>' % (name, email)
- class Stage(Command):
- """Stage a set of paths."""
- def __init__(self, paths):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.paths = paths
- def do(self):
- msg = 'Staging: %s' % (', '.join(self.paths))
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, 0, msg)
- self.model.stage_paths(self.paths)
- class StageModified(Stage):
- """Stage all modified files."""
- def __init__(self):
- Stage.__init__(self, None)
- self.paths = self.model.modified
- class StageUnmerged(Stage):
- """Stage all modified files."""
- def __init__(self):
- Stage.__init__(self, None)
- self.paths = self.model.unmerged
- class StageUntracked(Stage):
- """Stage all untracked files."""
- def __init__(self):
- Stage.__init__(self, None)
- self.paths = self.model.untracked
- class Tag(Command):
- """Create a tag object."""
- def __init__(self, name, revision, sign=False, message=''):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self._name = name
- self._message = core.encode(message)
- self._revision = revision
- self._sign = sign
- def do(self):
- log_msg = 'Tagging: "%s" as "%s"' % (self._revision, self._name)
- opts = {}
- if self._message:
- opts['F'] = utils.tmp_filename('tag-message')
- utils.write(opts['F'], self._message)
- if self._sign:
- log_msg += ', GPG-signed'
- opts['s'] = True
- status, output = self.model.git.tag(self._name,
- self._revision,
- with_status=True,
- with_stderr=True,
- **opts)
- else:
- opts['a'] = bool(self._message)
- status, output = self.model.git.tag(self._name,
- self._revision,
- with_status=True,
- with_stderr=True,
- **opts)
- if 'F' in opts:
- os.unlink(opts['F'])
- if output:
- log_msg += '\nOutput:\n%s' % output
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, log_msg)
- if status == 0:
- self.model.update_status()
- class Unstage(Command):
- """Unstage a set of paths."""
- def __init__(self, paths):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.paths = paths
- def do(self):
- msg = 'Unstaging: %s' % (', '.join(self.paths))
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, 0, msg)
- self.model.unstage_paths(self.paths)
- class UnstageAll(Command):
- """Unstage all files; resets the index."""
- def do(self):
- self.model.unstage_all()
- class UnstageSelected(Unstage):
- """Unstage selected files."""
- def __init__(self):
- Unstage.__init__(self, cola.selection_model().staged)
- class Untrack(Command):
- """Unstage a set of paths."""
- def __init__(self, paths):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.paths = paths
- def do(self):
- msg = 'Untracking: %s' % (', '.join(self.paths))
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, 0, msg)
- status, out = self.model.untrack_paths(self.paths)
- _notifier.broadcast(signals.log_cmd, status, out)
- class UntrackedSummary(Command):
- """List possible .gitignore rules as the diff text."""
- def __init__(self):
- Command.__init__(self)
- untracked = self.model.untracked
- suffix = len(untracked) > 1 and 's' or ''
- io = StringIO()
- io.write('# %s untracked file%s\n' % (len(untracked), suffix))
- if untracked:
- io.write('# possible .gitignore rule%s:\n' % suffix)
- for u in untracked:
- io.write('/'+core.encode(u))
- self.new_diff_text = core.decode(io.getvalue())
- self.new_mode = self.model.mode_untracked
- class UpdateFileStatus(Command):
- """Rescans for changes."""
- def do(self):
- self.model.update_file_status()
- class VisualizeAll(Command):
- """Visualize all branches."""
- def do(self):
- browser = utils.shell_split(self.model.history_browser())
- utils.fork(browser + ['--all'])
- class VisualizeCurrent(Command):
- """Visualize all branches."""
- def do(self):
- browser = utils.shell_split(self.model.history_browser())
- utils.fork(browser + [self.model.currentbranch])
- class VisualizePaths(Command):
- """Path-limited visualization."""
- def __init__(self, paths):
- Command.__init__(self)
- browser = utils.shell_split(self.model.history_browser())
- if paths:
- self.argv = browser + paths
- else:
- self.argv = browser
- def do(self):
- utils.fork(self.argv)
- visualize_revision = 'visualize_revision'
- class VisualizeRevision(Command):
- """Visualize a specific revision."""
- def __init__(self, revision, paths=None):
- Command.__init__(self)
- self.revision = revision
- self.paths = paths
- def do(self):
- argv = utils.shell_split(self.model.history_browser())
- if self.revision:
- argv.append(self.revision)
- if self.paths:
- argv.append('--')
- argv.extend(self.paths)
- utils.fork(argv)
- def register():
- """
- Register signal mappings with the factory.
- These commands are automatically created and run when
- their corresponding signal is broadcast by the notifier.
- """
- signal_to_command_map = {
- signals.amend_mode: AmendMode,
- signals.apply_diff_selection: ApplyDiffSelection,
- signals.apply_patches: ApplyPatches,
- signals.clone: Clone,
- signals.checkout: Checkout,
- signals.checkout_branch: CheckoutBranch,
- signals.cherry_pick: CherryPick,
- signals.commit: Commit,
- signals.delete: Delete,
- signals.delete_branch: DeleteBranch,
- signals.diff: Diff,
- signals.diff_staged: DiffStaged,
- signals.diffstat: Diffstat,
- signals.difftool: Difftool,
- signals.edit: Edit,
- signals.format_patch: FormatPatch,
- signals.ignore: Ignore,
- signals.load_commit_message: LoadCommitMessage,
- signals.load_commit_template: LoadCommitTemplate,
- signals.load_previous_message: LoadPreviousMessage,
- signals.modified_summary: Diffstat,
- signals.mergetool: Mergetool,
- signals.open_repo: OpenRepo,
- signals.rescan: Rescan,
- signals.rescan_and_refresh: RescanAndRefresh,
- signals.reset_mode: ResetMode,
- signals.run_config_action: RunConfigAction,
- signals.set_diff_text: SetDiffText,
- signals.show_untracked: ShowUntracked,
- signals.signoff: SignOff,
- signals.stage: Stage,
- signals.stage_modified: StageModified,
- signals.stage_unmerged: StageUnmerged,
- signals.stage_untracked: StageUntracked,
- signals.staged_summary: DiffStagedSummary,
- signals.tag: Tag,
- signals.untrack: Untrack,
- signals.unstage: Unstage,
- signals.unstage_all: UnstageAll,
- signals.unstage_selected: UnstageSelected,
- signals.untracked_summary: UntrackedSummary,
- signals.update_file_status: UpdateFileStatus,
- signals.visualize_all: VisualizeAll,
- signals.visualize_current: VisualizeCurrent,
- signals.visualize_paths: VisualizePaths,
- signals.visualize_revision: VisualizeRevision,
- }
- for signal, cmd in signal_to_command_map.iteritems():
- _factory.add_global_command(signal, cmd)