from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import shutil import sys import requests import zipfile try: branch = locals()['_br'] except KeyError: branch = 'py3' # 'master' _IS_UPDATE = '_IS_UPDATE' in locals() TMPDIR = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', os.environ.get('TMP')) URL_ZIPFILE = '{}.zip'.format(branch) TEMP_ZIPFILE = os.path.join(TMPDIR, '{}.zip'.format(branch)) TEMP_PTI = os.path.join(TMPDIR, '') URL_PTI = '' print('Downloading {} ...'.format(URL_ZIPFILE)) try: r = requests.get(URL_ZIPFILE, stream=True) file_size = r.headers.get('Content-Length') if file_size is not None: file_size = int(file_size) with open(TEMP_ZIPFILE, 'wb') as outs: block_sz = 8192 for chunk in r.iter_content(block_sz): outs.write(chunk) # Get Pythonista Tools Installer r = requests.get(URL_PTI) with open(TEMP_PTI, 'w') as outs: outs.write(r.text) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(e)) sys.stderr.write('Download failed! Please make sure internet connection is available.\n') sys.exit(1) BASE_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~') TARGET_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Documents/site-packages/stash') if not os.path.exists(TARGET_DIR): os.makedirs(TARGET_DIR) print('Unzipping into %s ...' % TARGET_DIR) with open(TEMP_ZIPFILE, 'rb') as ins: try: zipfp = zipfile.ZipFile(ins) for name in zipfp.namelist(): data = name = name.split('stash-%s/' % branch, 1)[-1] # strip the top-level directory if name == '': # skip top-level directory continue fname = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, name) if fname.endswith('/'): # A directory if not os.path.exists(fname): os.makedirs(fname) else: fp = open(fname, 'wb') try: fp.write(data) finally: fp.close() except: sys.stderr.write('The zip file is corrupted. Pleases re-run the script.\n') sys.exit(1) print('Preparing the folder structure ...') # Move to bin shutil.move(TEMP_PTI, os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, 'bin/')) # Move launch script to Documents for easy access shutil.move(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, ''), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'Documents/')) # Remove setup files and possible legacy files try: os.remove(TEMP_ZIPFILE) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, 'tests')) unwanted_files = ['', '', '', '', '', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/'] for fname in unwanted_files: os.remove(os.path.join(TARGET_DIR, fname)) except: pass if not _IS_UPDATE: print('Installation completed.') print('Please run under the Home directory to start StaSh.')