DNC: C-BACK to the future

Democrats want the message out of CPAC to be a simple one: Republicans are living in the past.

The Democratic National Committee has put together its own highlight reel from the weekend conference, heavy on speech clips in which potential 2012ers called for abolishing the departments of education and environmental protection.

The remix is the DNC’s first real salvo since the midterms and aims to define the messaging battle of the next two years.

The “Past Versus Future” video juxtaposes President Barack Obama with CPAC speeches by some of his potential 2012 opponents, including Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and and Tim Pawlenty.

In the video, Gingrich talks about doing away with the Environmental Protection Agency, while Bachmann rallies conference attendees with references to socialism. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul calls for eliminating the Department of Education and gets cheers when he asks who would opt out of Social Security.

Those talking points are contrasted with clips of Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz saying the American economy has turned the corner and clips from Obama’s State of the Union address.