Boris Smus

interaction engineering

Chrome developer tools cheatsheet

Chrome's Developer Tools have been getting much deserved love at this last Google I/O. Paul Irish and I started with an bootcamp lab, a hands-on walk through tweaking a web application using the developer tools. We handed out a cheatsheet to give developers an overview of available features.

cheatsheet jpg

The cheatsheet is available for download in PDF and PNG.

Thanks to the awesome I/O organizers, we also gave away free HTML5 cake (as promised) after the session ended:

html5 cake

The developer tools were also featured at the start of the Chrome keynote with a webkit-speech demo. Finally, Pavel Feldman (lead engineer for the dev tools) and Paul gave an great I/O talk.

One of the most promising aspects of the Chrome Developer Tools is that they are easy to extend with (experimental) chrome extension APIs. I'm stoked to see what people create to make these developer tools even better!