Online HTML image map creator

This free online service allows you to create HTML image maps (aka clickable maps).

For example several areas on this image are clickable. The clickable areas can be a circle, rectangle or a polygon.

click map blue yellow green
Show the HTML image map code.

How it works:
  1. Upload any of the following image filetypes: .gif, .jpg, .png, .jpeg.
    The maximum file size = 100 KB.
    If the uploaded image has a width larger than 610px, it will be automatically resized to 610px.
  2. Click your mouse on the image and draw a region (circle, rectangle or polygon) and enter the mandatory region information:
    • URL.
    • ALT text.
  3. Press the "Save region" button.
  4. All entered data are stored.
    An overview of all your created regions are displayed in the "Created regions" section.
  5. After you have saved one or more regions, press the "Create HTML Map" button.
  6. The HTML image map code can be found in the "Output" section on the bottom of the page as well as a zip file containing the same code including the uploaded image.
    Note: When you upload an image and its width is larger then 610px, the image will be resized to fit the page. When the image map is created the region coordinates are recalculated based on the original image scale.
  7. For each uploaded image a unique Upload code is generated. You can continue working on your HTML image map at a later time by entering this code in the "Enter issued Upload code" field.
  8. The HTML image map will be available for 10 hours after the "Create HTML Map" button is pressed and then will be automatically deleted.

Input HTML image map creator:

Upload image *:
Max 100 KB.
  -- Or --
Enter issued Upload code *:
To prevent automated submissions an Access Code has been implemented for this tool.   access code
Please enter the Access Code as displayed above *:  
* = required

No image uploaded

Help    Drawing color: Select drawing color Help    X-coord: px   Y-coord: px

Default URL for areas not mapped: Help

 Enter your information.
Region id: Help
Region description: Help
URL *: Help
ALT text *: Help
Title text (Same as ALT): Help
Target: Help
Geometric shape *: Help
Coordinates *: Help
onMouseOver: Help
onMouseOut: Help
onClick: Help

Output HTML image map creator:

No HTML image map.

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