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As it happened: JK Rowling testifies to Leveson

1645 That’s it for this week. On Monday we will hear from Charlotte Church, Anne Diamond,Chris Jefferies, Ian Hurst and Jane Winter.

1639 Ms Rowling is asked about her views on press regulation. She calls the PCC toothless but does not know what should replace it. She backs Mr Mosley on the need for prior notification.

“I can’t pretend that I have a magical answer,” she says, adding quickly: “No Harry Potter joke intended. That slipped out.”

Lord Justice Leveson says that he would not have complained if she had made a Harry Potter joke, which is itself a joke, of sorts.

1635 Ms Rowling complains bitterly about an article by Carole Malone in the Mirror in 2003 in which it says that JK Rowling’s