Sunday 7 August 2011

Learning really is a journey!!

I'm finding that learning is really a journey.  I cant just 'know' something all the time.  So, my membership site has has some trials and tribulations. It's coming together now, and will soon be ready for launch which is really exciting.  Over the next week I'll be sharing with you how I've done it, which tools I tried and what I've settled on. Obviously these are just my thoughts... :)

Monday 25 April 2011

Commission Crusher Reviewed

Lately there’s been a lot of talk about this new program that’s been coming in my email inbox and being wildly talked about online right now.
But you see, I got a sneak peak into what Commission Crusher is all about – and wanted to give you my review on it.
So… what is Commission Crusher exactly?
Commission Crusher is based on a simple marketing concept that anybody can duplicate online… and never have to compete against one another. This method allows anyone to find profitable affiliate campaigns online and swipe them for their profits.
The real beauty behind Commission Crusher is the software engine that drives the product… titled “Ad Assault”. This amazing piece of software will allow you with a flick of a switch find tons of hot websites in any market… any niche… and tell you everything you need to know to get tons of traffic from these websites.
Best of all… you don’t have to deal with Google, Yahoo, MSN or any of that crap. This method is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before online.
... and here’s the best part – Steve walks through every step of the process on video. And he’s got a great support team in place to help you with any questions you have.
Can you get any better than that?
So simply put – Commission Crusher works.  It’s a fantastic product. If you’ve been looking for a way to make constant money online with something that’s not going to disappear tomorrow, this is it.
Grab a copy before they sell out. I highly recommend you get your hands on this software now!
GO here: 

Friday 22 April 2011


So, I work from home two days per week now and it's great!!  There is so much to do and so much to learn, each day is a new adventure.  It's important to be organised and see each of these days as another working day in a different office!!  I still get up at 6am and go straight into the study and put the PC on and get going!  Its Good Friday today - a bank holiday in my 'old' life and I'm busy doing things on the PC.  Sure I will have a break and some down time, and I remember that i'm working for me now - and loving it!!!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Set Up a Membership Site For Consistent Income

Hi there! So its nearly a month since the social media bootcamp with Mili & Paul and I'm having great fun putting what I've learned into practice and starting to make money on-line!  Don't get me wrong, this is not a 'get rich quick scheme' and there is much I still have to learn and practice!  What I know is, this stuff really works.  One of the main things I need to work on however, is my patience!! I want to know everything now and it's easy to get lost in research and time passes too quickly!!!  A work life balance is important too!!!
Check out Neil Brook's Article on the use of Membership Sites to Create Consistent Income

Saturday 19 March 2011


So this weekend I'm with Mili Ponce and Paul O'Mahony at the Social Media Boot Camp - wow it's fantastic!!!  The power of Social Media can't be underestimated and these guys really know their stuff!!!  By filling in your details on the right of this post, you will receive your free gift which is all about the power of Twitter and how it can change your business!!

7 Virtually Unknown And Proven Tactics \To Automate your income

Lance Tamashiro and Robert Plank combined have created 50 membership sites and generated 1,131 paid monthly subscriptions in 12 months.
You’ll discover…
  • The 3 myths of membership sites that stop 99% of marketers from creating them yourself…
  • How to get high quality content for a year long membership site in 1 day
  • Secrets of setting up a membership site quickly and easily starting with no tech skills…
  • 1 system that builds $97 per month paid subscriptions like clockwork while doing what you’re ALREADY doing…

Monday 10 January 2011


So, I'm creating a membership site!  I'm using information from a variety of sources that I have gathered over the last 9 months or so!  You maybe wondering where a lawyer frm York gets the idea of creating a Membership site?!  I appreciate, it is rather random for someone in my profession!!  Well, my business partner in 'my other life' as I callit, Nigel Jardine , suggested that I go along to Simon Coulson's Step by Step Internet Profits Live Event which was fantastic!  Simon discussed membership sites and discussed the need to find a niche market.  A niche market is a market that is as yet untapped, or unusual, as this will create a demand for members.  He also mentioned that creating a site for somone well known is also a great basis for a membership site.  It really got me thinking about what I could do....and then it came to me.  You see, not all lawyers fit the stereo type, and I'm luck enough to work with someone who in his niche is very famous both nationally and internationally.  A published author of several books,and a regular on sky sports, Julian Cundiff is a highly successful carp fisherman. So I thought, why not? Lets have some fun with this and so my journey has begun....