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Mar 2, 2017
Mar 2, 2017

By John Muyskens (@JohnMuyskens) and Leslie Shapiro (@lmshap). We are members of the Washington Post graphics team (@postgraphics) who specialize in data journalism.


1. Grouping data

Goal is to structure your data the way you want your DOM to look.

Nest is like "groupBy" in other functional programming languages

Docs: d3.nest

nest diagram

.entries returns an array

.map returns an object which is useful for creating lookup tables. There's also .object which you can use if you are sure your data doesn't collide with js reserved words. JS objects not equal to hash tables like python dicts but can be used in much the same way.

Try it out!

2. Parsing dates

Docs: time formatting

d3.dateParse returns a function that turns a String into a Date

d3.dateFormat returns a function that turns a Date into a String

The format DSL is like strptime in other programming languages. It's worth learning the most common arguments.

var parseTime = d3.timeParse('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y'); var formatTime = d3.timeFormat('%Y-%m-%d'); var parseFormattedTime = d3.timeParse('%Y-%m-%d');

Try it out!

3. Aggregating data

Docs: rollup

Add a .rollup() function that counts number of tweets per day.

4. Putting it together

Fork this block:

Copy in your d3.nest() code and store the nested data in a variable called nestedData.

Modify domain of the x and y-axis using d3.extent().

Change reference in .data() to nestedData.

Your code will look something like this when you are done:

5. Changing scales

Docs: scaleTime

d3.scaleLinear may not be the most appropriate choice for our x axis. Let's try using d3.scaleTime instead.

Extra credit: change the y-axis scale to begin at zero. Hint: use d3.max().

Your code will look something like this when you are done:

6. Formatting axes

Docs: axis ticks

Play with the following:

.tickSize to specify length of ticks. Try making your axes as wide and tall as your chart.

.ticks to specify number of ticks

.tickFormat format the tick

Use .attr('transform', 'translate(TK, TK)') to move your axis around.

The backbone of the axis is a <path> while the ticks are <line>s so you can easily style them separately with CSS.

We can make a dashed line with stroke-dasharray: TKpx TKpx;.

7. Annotate

Add a new <g> container for our annotation.

To the <g> add a <line>.

Also add to the <g> a <text> to label our line. Use .text() to specify your label text.

Translate the <g> to a relevant date (for instance, inauguration day, Jan. 20, 2017) using .attr('translate', 'transform(TK, TK)'). Hint: use a scale.

Use the svg attributes text-anchor (values can be start, middle, end) to justify the text, dx and dy to adjust the position of the label.

Your code will look something like this when you are done:

8. Scatterplot

With the same data, we'll change from a line chart to a scatterplot.

First let's change the y-axis to chart the variable favorite_count. What other line of code do we also need to update?

As opposed to a line, we don't get a handy generator from d3 to make a scatter plot. Instead, we'll use the selectAll() + enter() pattern to add <circle>s.

TK circle svg docs link.

You need to specify the following attributes:

  • cx (x position)
  • cy (y position)
  • r (radius)

Set a class using the source value in the data and use CSS to change the fill on the <circle>s.

Your code will look something like this when you are done:

Extra credit: use the area of the circle to represent a data attribute.

9. Adding interactions

When entering or adding elements chain .on(EVENTNAME, callback). Similar to jQuery, this calls a function when an event happens.

D3 will call your callback function with the datum like you get in other accessor functions. Use to select the element that was triggered.

TK mouse events

Some events:

  • mouseenter
  • mouseleave
  • mouseover
  • click

10. Transitions

First, add a new linear scale for the x axis. Set the domain of this scale based on retweet_count.

Then on our enter() code for <circle> chain .transition(). After this, we can change different attributes and d3 will transition them for us.

To slow down the transition, use .duration(TK ms).

Your code will look something like this when you are done:

what's in the advanced class

  • Transitions
  • Voronoi
  • Layouts (force, heirarchy)
  • Geo tools
  • Modules
  • Behaviors (drag and zoom)
  • Canvas

libraries and tools you may find useful

crowbar to download your chart as an SVG. You can then edit it using vector graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator.

d3-jetpack for convenience functions that will save you a lot of repetitive typing.

d3-legend to make convenient legends based on your scales.

Textures.js to use patterns in your visualizations.

Swoopy drag for interactive annotations.