kung fu grippe

  1. digitalfaun:
“A Beret Will Be Fine opens this Thursday as part of the 2011 PhotoIreland Festival.
The exhibition title refers to a quote from a fairly knowledgeable guy whom I’ve often quoted on here, Merlin Mann.
“The actual making of stuff, ends up...


    A Beret Will Be Fine opens this Thursday as part of the 2011 PhotoIreland Festival.

    The exhibition title refers to a quote from a fairly knowledgeable guy whom I’ve often quoted on here, Merlin Mann.

    “The actual making of stuff, ends up being a fairly tedious process, a tedious lonely non-beret wearing process, and I’m not saying that in a mean way, I hope I’m saying that in a hopeful way, because as hard as it is, and I’m not talking about me here, I’m talking about real people who make stuff, as hard as it is to get great at making stuff over and over again, there is something oddly freeing about saying “Well no there is not a genie and there is not a muse” and yes it will take you more than four hours a week and you can’t do it in a hammock. You’re going to actually have to get up early and work. No one in India will do this for you. You’re going to have to go out and really work on this stuff … if it matters to you. And if it doesn’t matter to you then a beret will be fine.”

    I have three photos in this. I’m pretty stoked at how good they look all framed up and ready to go. It’s rare that I get an opportunity like this. A lot of people take having their stuff in a gallery space for granted but even though this is just a class exhibition, it’s a big deal for me. There’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand and don’t agree with in terms of exhibitions, like business cards and price listings. Honestly though, I’m just gonna be happy to have my photos on a wall where some people I love can see them. 

    Um. Whoa.