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9/11 Anniversary

Portraits of Grief

Three days after the Sept. 11 attacks, reporters at The New York Times, armed with stacks of homemade missing-persons fliers, began interviewing friends and relatives of the missing and writing brief portraits of their lives to create “Portraits of Grief.” Not meant to be obituaries in any traditional sense, they were informal and impressionistic, often centered on a single story or idiosyncratic detail. The archive below features the original portraits. Related: Read updates on some of the families who lost a loved one. | Comments: What would you like to say to the families of those killed in the Sept. 11 attacks?
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A Look Inside the Archive

Selected portraits rotate on a regular basis.

Portraits Redrawn

A decade after the Sept. 11 attacks, The New York Times revisited families to learn how they have coped, changed and carried on since that day. Here are their stories.


Reporting: Reed Abelson, Peter Applebome, Randal C. Archibold, Karen W. Arenson, B. Drummond Ayres Jr., Jessica Bagdorf, Tara Bahrampour, Al Baker, Neela Banerjee, Carla Baranauckas, David Barboza, Julian E. Barnes, Felicity Barringer, Dan Barry, David Barstow, Lisa Belkin, Alex Berenson, Nina Bernstein, Celestine Bohlen, Sarah Boxer, Michael Brick, Ford Burkhart, Diane Cardwell, David W. Chen, Nichole M. Christian, Adam Clymer, Glenn Collins, Alison Cowan, Sherri Day, Anthony DePalma, Shaila K. Dewan, David W. Dunlap, Jennifer Dunning, Jim Dwyer, Emily Eakin, Leslie Eaton, Geraldine Fabrikant, Patrick Farrell, Barnaby J. Feder, Alan Feuer, Robin Finn, Stephanie Flanders, Kevin Flynn, Henry Fountain, Joseph P. Fried, Jonathan Fuerbringer, Kenneth N. Gilpin, Jonathan D. Glater, Abby Goodnough, Elissa Gootman, Steven Greenhouse, Jane Gross, Danny Hakim, David M. Halbfinger, Robert Hanley, Amy Harmon, Tobin Harshaw, Anemona Hartocollis, Diana B. Henriques, Hubert B. Herring, Robert D. Hershey Jr., Jan Hoffman, Jenny Holland, Lynette Holloway, Winnie Hu, John Hyland, Julie V. Iovine, Nat Ives, Andrew Jacobs, George James, Kirk Johnson, David Cay Johnston, Tina Kelley, Randy Kennedy, Sarah Kershaw, Dena Kleiman, N.R. Kleinfield, David Kocieniewski, Charlie LeDuff, Felicia R. Lee, Jennifer Lee, Constance L. Leigh Hays, John Leland, David Leonhardt, Clifford J. Levy, Lewin,Tamar, Frank Litsky, Jere Longman, Elaine Louie, Thomas J. Lueck, Douglas Martiq, Dylan Loeb McClain, KathleenMcElroy, Robert D. McFadden, Debra Minunni, Irvin Molotsky, Michael Molyneux, Gretchen Morgenson, Dean E. Murphy, Mary Jo Murphy, Mireya Navarro, Andy Newman, Maria Newman, Gustav Niebuhr, Floyd Norris, Mirta Ojito, Melody Petersen, Iver Peterson, Michael Pollak, Terry Pristin, Joyce Purnick, Anthony Ramirez, Lynda Richardson, Matthew Richtel, Sara Rimer, Karin Roberts, Jim Rutenburg, Melena Z. Ryzik, Julie Salamon, Susan Saulny, John Schwartz, Janny Scott, Somini Sengupta, Ben Sisario, Dinitia Smith, Seth Solomonow, Susan Stellin, Barbara Stewart, Joseph B. Treaster, Joyce Wadler, Daniel J. Wakin, Amy Waldman, Mary Williams Walsh, Leslie Wayne, Bruce Weber, Debra West, Barbara Whitaker, Lena Williams, Edward Wong, Robert F. Worth, Edward Wyatt, Kate Zernike, and Yilu Zhao

Interactive: Jon Huang, Brian Hamman, Andrew Kueneman, John Niedermeyer, and Meghan Louttit

Video: Matthew Orr