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2011Aug 7
誰か数えてください(笑) 追記3 (2011.08.09 20:40): 以下、@MsMichiganian さんによる英語の動画説明文です。ご提供ありがとうございました。 This is a video capturing the demonstration on Aug.7th which is protesting against ridiculously biased contents Fuji broadcasting co has been spreading these years. The purpose was to draw peoples attention to what that company has been doing also to make the company aware of that people feel they had had enough. Please note that it was not against other nations or races, it was against the strategy that company has been using. This is an incident worthy of mention in many ways. First, the people are not who belong to organizations or groups, they are who just responded to the call in the internet. Secondly, it has done very peacefully (no violence involved) even though it was done in very short notice. Thirdly, there were over 100,000 people watched it on Ustream and nicov. although most media kept themselves strangely quiet. (I must add the number of views here which is still growing rapidly) 追記2 (2011.08.08 20:11): 私の勘違いで、列の途切れを最後尾だと思ってしまい撮影を終了してしまいました。 実際は8:50以降も列は続いていたようです。 ご指摘くださった方々にお礼とお詫びを申し上げます。 追記: なお、私が特筆したいのは、1:05ぐらいのところでフジ関係車両が入庫するとき、 すみやかに道を開けていることです。 この列に参加している人たちが、どういう層であるかうかがい知れます。


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