* * * Secure Pledge Form * * *
"Any church which does not inspire love has a hidden altar which is not serving the purpose for which God intended it. I must found His church on you because you who accept me as a model are literally my disciples. Disciples are followers, but if the model they follow has chosen to save them pain in all respects, they are probably unwise not to follow him."   (Tx.OrEd.6.12)

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Being on the Healing Team means you agree to read the email sent every day (~3 minutes). Healing Team entry level pledge is $1/ day (totals taken monthly).
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Payment Information

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Fill out all appropriate fields. Send us the information by clicking on the "Send ..." button below. The "Reset" button clears all the fields.
You must choose 1 of 5 ways to pay your pledge.
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If pledging by credit card please fill out card number and expiration date.
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If you prefer, you can give your credit card information to us by telephone. (United States and Canada only.) Just put "N.A." in the Card Number and Expiration Date fields and make sure you gave us your voice phone number. All International pledges must be paid with credit cards or with checks or money orders drawn on a U.S.A. bank.

For your convenience, this form could be printed, filled out with pen and then mailed to us at the address below.