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Which show are you discussing? Ideally date, title and/or link. Or is it feedback on our site or other projects?
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If the show, what's your favorite takeaway idea, "aha" moment, or quote (ideally indicate roughly when in the segment this came)
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Second takeaway idea, "aha" moment, or quote
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What did we miss, or did the host misunderstand or misconstrue? Technical frustrations?
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Summarize an ideal followup session, or action!
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How did you find us?
Columbia calendars or the like
Friend (by email, word of mouth)
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Suggest people, topics or organizations to feature in future segments
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What am I not thinking of? What other questions or ideas do you have? And of course EMAIL me here:
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If you got this far, you're a fan. Thanks! Please remember to share what we do with others! You can find the links to archived shows at the home page:
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Given that you're a fan, suggest funding strategies or philanthropists, organizations, progress-focused businesses that might want to support Sustain What or our broader communication initiative. You can also donate to the Earth Institute and earmark your contribution to our Sustainability Communication Initiative:
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Here's my gratitude, via Reggie Harris's great song "We Will Not Rest" is essentially our motto!
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