Well worth watching … 50 seconds of … well, of … Patrick Gower.
You know, the [allegedly] ‘deceitful bastard’ ACT leader-on-the-skids Don Brash wouldn’t talk to — three times.
Good on him.
From TV3’s Firstline (full clip). Look how he cracks up Rachel Smalley … who sometimes indulges in a wee bit of humour herself.
And on a completely unrelated issue:
I don’t think that is Jeremy.
Here’s Patrick’s blog/commentary/opinion about the TV3 Leaders debate … also worth a read.
Thought Patrick’s commentary was pretty bland. but interestingly I somehow feel happy that’s others also agree TV3 are anti National/Key.
Funny. I keep reading exactly the opposite ‘perception’ from some on ‘the left’.
See this discussion:
– P
Well from my perspective – TV3 along with One were appearing to be pro Key and his cronies for years. Now – just lately – it looks as though the love affair has gone sour – particularly on the part of TV3. They are finally making Key feel and look uncomfortable.
And can someone get the lovely lady who reads the morning news on TV3 to understand the correct pronounciations of such things as Khmer – and Corps (as in Marine Corps). It isnt “Kymear” or “Corpse”
Its as bad as people who say “nucular” instead of “nuclear”.
TV3 appear to be attacking with gusto – and good on them. Its just that their chief benefactor Joyce may start to try to call in a few favours.
And my god – who ever ever ever thought Paul Henry was a political commentator. He may as well wear a rosette and carry a portrait of his beloved leader. He got very snotty when John Campbell queried him after the last leaders debate – about possible political bias.
I await election night with relish.
Sorry pressed the wrong key in a state of annoyance.
To continue – let me eyeball you (i see im now out of moderation) and ask you …
#1 Why in moderation – never happened before
#2 You have apparently sat back while one of your contributors (after yourself) accused me of anti semitic comments – unjustly and in an unwarranted fashion. I still cant for the life of me see how you originally deduced that i was “floating an antisemitic boat” – as i have already pointed out – i am Jewish on one side of my family
Now in a way – I dont give a tinkers toss – i thought this was a fairly openminded forum – but im beginning to suspect it isnt. If im wrong im wrong.
Not one comment i have uttered could be construed as antisemitic in any way shape or form – yet a persons comment is allowed to stand accusing me of anti semitism which is patently both untrue and unjust. Its like people with dirty minds – dont put garbage onto me – if you have a predilection for pre-judgement based on personal prejudices. If you have the narrow perspective that says that someone who quotes a popular musical with a central character and then assume that is meant to be antisemitic – its every bit as bad as saying that the protocols of the elders of zion is a serious academic text worthy of regard.
Not everyone that calls someone a “silly sod” is accusing someone of being a sodomite to use the vernacular.
Its your Paepae mate – your platform and not mine – if i dont have a home for my opinions and expressions then so be it – all i or anyone ask for – is fairness and fair go.
Not self righteous condemnation.
And isnt that just the problem in this nation right now.
Ivan just to let you know I also have a post awaiting moderation which I have never seen waiting for so long. Could be a busy we Paepae or a bug somewhere.
I am sorry to hear you have been construed of such . I don’t think it was due to me