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Chewbacca Sings Silent Night
2008Aug 1
Chewbacca Sings Silent Night "music slideshow" that I made in Windows Movie Maker. Original: 4/18/22: So, many, many years after I'd forgotten about this video, I finally became aware of the original source, so I have provided a link to it above. If I recall, 13-year-old me in 2008 found the mp3 on a filesharing site completely independent of YTMND, and the picture on Yahoo Images which was linked from YTMND (hence the photo credit), and, in my early days of experimenting with how WMM and YouTube worked, cobbled together this video and uploaded it for fun. Around this time, I also uploaded similarly low-quality slideshows of Weird Al songs ("eBay" and "Yoda", if I remember correctly), which got maybe a few hundred views and I eventually took down when clearing out my channel of old videos I didn't want to keep, and that I assumed people wouldn't miss; I obviously didn't expect much from this video either back then, and was quite surprised at how it eventually exploded. But since I'm now aware of the origins of this audio track, I feel it necessary to provide this backstory so misconceptions of me intentionally and maliciously stealing this from YTMND can be corrected. In short: a dumb 13-year-old found the mp3 and Chewbacca image in the ether, compiled it all in WMM, uploaded it to YouTube for fun without thinking much, and the rest is history. No offense to Room 34 Creative Services for going so long without learning of its origins, and I sincerely apologize for any issues this upload may have caused over this time. I would embed a direct link to their site within the video itself, but YouTube does not allow that to channels outside their "Partner Program," so this notice and the above link will have to unfortunately do by themselves. Instead, I have chosen to blur out the original credit to the video, so it no longer arrogantly, and erroneously, states that I "created" this song--the "created by" credit only intended to refer to the WMM video, but obviously it doesn't come across that way in retrospect. 3/05/12: And that's the 1,000,000 mark, guys! 7/07/11: And nearly 500,000 views later...

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