Update: We're getting reports that NachoRoot also successfully roots the original Transformer, which, until now, has been unrootable on the latest firmware. Simply follow the directions listed below!

Transformer Prime - two words that we've heard quite a bit over the last week or so. Root - a word that we hear on a daily basis in the world of Android. What do you get when you put the two together? Transformer Prime root. That's right -- the TP has been rooted by none other than our good buddy Justin Case. And we have the details for you right here.

You assume all liabilities if you follow the instructions below. Android Police, Justin Case, and TeamAndIRC will not be held responsible if your device ends broken, bricked, or otherwise useless.

Before we get started, you need to have ADB setup. There are plenty of tutorials on the matter if you need help.

With that out of the way, you need to download a couple of files:

Got it? Good. Now for the fun part -- fire up the command line and make it happen!

adb push nachoroot.bin /data/local/

adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/nachoroot.bin

adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin --stage1

adb reboot

<wait for boot>

adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin --stage2

adb reboot

<wait for boot>

adb shell id

<if id is 0 / root then continue, else start over>

adb remount

adb push su /system/xbin/su

adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su

adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su

adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin --undo

adb reboot

After that, all you need to do is head into the Android Market and download the Super User app and you're good to go! If you have any issues, hit up the support thread on RootzWiki.

A big thanks goes out to JCase for making this happen. To show him how much you appreciate his hard work on exploits like this one, throw a couple of bucks his way by hitting the widget below so he can buy a Prime to continue development on.