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ST:TNG Theme sight-read by Tom Brier ... and then ragged
2011Dec 16
Knowing that Tom is a Star Trek fan, I suggested that Will Perkins show Tom the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" theme from Will's book of TV show themes. I didn't look closely at the score ahead of time so didn't realize that it modulates into C-flat and F-flat for a bit. You can even hear Tom utter "Oh god!" when he gets to that part. When my wife had been watching a lot of ST:TNG a few months ago, I began imagining the theme in ragtime. So I decided to do it and add my arrangement to the end of this video. It's a slightly abbreviated version of the theme compared to the one played in the book; I go straight into the C-flat version of the second theme instead of doing it in D first and having that short reprise of the main theme in B-flat. There is one error in the recording of my version and the score shown on the screen. In the two-note lead-in to the key change to G major, that E should be natural. You can download my ragtime version here: This video of Tom was recorded at the September 2011 meeting of the Mother Lode Ragtime Society, in the Sutter Creek Ice Cream Emporium, 51 Main St., Sutter Creek, Calif., USA.

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