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Hi everyone! There’s so much info being put onto the main blog now that I’ve set the newsletter to go out once per week at 10:00am EST (Eastern Standard) which is about 4 pm GMT so almost everyone can get it while they’re at work and take a break from the humdrum of office life and read what’s new with CommentLuv.


What an awesome week is having! Gail, our editor in chief has been writing some super useful posts and I’ve been adding all sorts of fancy pants stuff to the new commentluv plugin which will make it easier to use, quicker to respond and dramatically improve the stats for the API. yey me.

Everything excerpt the kitchen sink

I am setting the feed to show only an excerpt now due to the amount of posts being published each week and also due to their length. I am hoping that’s ok with you?

It just means I can set my feedblitz account to automatically publish new posts to the next newsletter and I can concentrate on getting the new plugin ready for the imminent release of WordPress 3.0 which is really any moment now (so they say)

Hit me with some feedback

Some of the greatest things I’ve put into commentluv and this site has be because of your feedback so please please let me know what you think of the site, the plugin and even this newsletter.. should it be less often, use full posts or anything else different?


Thanks for being a CommentLuv member, I promise to keep it updated and work on new ways of combating spam.

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