Monday, March 12, 2012

Manuscript Makeover Mode

I'm in the final manuscript makeover mode, which means my blog has been relegated to second status for awhile.

Makeovers and blogs are hungry beasts and quite jealous and suspicious of each other.

When they don't get enough attention (and regular feeding), they go on strike.


No use in reasoning with them or begging for patience.

No use in trying to convince them to work together, have a little faith, that they'll both get their due.

Like children, they take and give back little, besides hugs and kisses and, of course, the pleasure of watching them grow.

They sulk and sass, forcing me to give them time outs - for my health and my sanity.

I'm under the pressure of promises I made to myself, such as sending out a query package by the end of this month. 

And taking back my life.

Then no more revisions, though I'm happy to report that one of my favorite authors, Dean Koontz, did thirty-five revisions for every finished page of his novel, Whispers. 

I'm with you, pal.

It's time to bite the bullet and send out those queries.

I've put in the time:  Twelve years.

I've received feedback:  Over ten years of critique groups, edits from Margie Lawson and Mary Buckham (great ladies, check them out).

I've studied hard:  Read every book on craft I could get my hands on and earned a creative writing certificate through UC Davis Extension. 

Talk about feedback!

I've taken steps above and beyond: Taken on-line classes about publication and marketing.  Built a new website (to be featured soon).

It's time.

No more stalling

I'm going for one hundred rejections.

Wish me luck.