3 Tips for Working Out at Home

3 Tips for Working Out at Home

Did you know that not only can you soak in your hot tub, but you can exercise in it, too?

If you’ve been working out at home for months, or this is your first time exercising from home, we have three tips for working out at home and meeting your fitness goals.

It takes some patience, a bit of creativity, and a lot of discipline to stick with it. But having your very own hot tub in your backyard makes it so much easier!

Tip #1: Listen to Your Body

If you used to work out with a trainer or through exercise classes, you are used to having someone talk you through your workouts. They create them for you and your fitness level.

In addition, they push you when it’s warranted, and they tell you to stop when they think you’ve done too much.

But, how do you switch gears and fulfill this role on your own?

You must listen to your body. What is it telling you?  Is it too sore after a workout? Did you get a pulled muscle?

The goal is to work out at just the right cadence so you can show up again tomorrow!

Your best practices are listening, changing course, setting goals, and not overdoing it.

Of course, it’s always a good idea to take a hot tub soak after exercise to soothe your body and make you feel better the next day!

Tip #2: Create a Schedule

The best thing you can do to stick with your new fitness routine is to create a schedule. For example, let your family know you are working out at 9 am every day.

Creating a routine keeps interruptions to a minimum while letting your family know this is your time.

Scheduling a workout makes it more likely that you’ll stick to it. Put it on your calendar just like you would a meeting, so you’re less tempted to skip it. This makes it much harder to avoid.

Tip #3: Use Proper Form and Exercise Safely

Set realistic goals. For example, if you’ve never run five miles before, start with one or two the first week.

Do all of your warm-up and cool-down exercises and take what you learned from the gym, and put it into practice at home.

Consider doing some exercise in the house and some outside to break up the routine. Also, by running outside one day and lifting weights another day, you lower your risk of injury.

Final Thoughts on Working Out at Home (in Your Hot Tub)

By implementing these tips, you’ll soon find that working out at home is just as effective as working out at the gym. The added bonus? It’s a whole lot more affordable!

What’s more, you can also work out in your hot tub. How? Follow these steps:

  • Do calf raises in the hot tub. Try three sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • Try flutter kicks in your hot tub for three sets of 15-20 repetitions. You can sit or lay back in your hot tub, holding on to the sides.
  • Do a torso crunch for three sets of 20-30 twists. Kneel or sit with shoulders submerged and arms crossed. Contract your tummy muscles and twist first to the left and then to the right.
  • Try reverse crunches for three sets of 15 repetitions, and hold position for two seconds each time. Lift your legs up straight in front of you and then bend them to 90 degrees. Repeat. Make sure to support your lower back.
  • Do squats for three sets of 15 repetitions.

Finally, stretch in your hot tub and then enjoy the wonderful massage!

Don’t have a hot tub? Come see us today!

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