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Insurance Coverage of Contraception

About this dataset:

Contraception plays a pivotal role in the well-being and health of people worldwide, and allows individuals to reduce unintended pregnancies and safely space their pregnancies. Because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), approximately 64.3 million women now have coverage of birth control without out-of-pocket costs. Recognizing additional gaps in access after finalization of the ACA’s preventive services guidance, 21 states have enacted their own laws that expand beyond the federal contraceptive coverage requirements. The scope of contraceptive coverage laws varies by state, but may apply to both private and public health insurance programs. These laws generally expand the range of contraceptive methods and services that are covered without cost-sharing, and limit insurer practices of medical management, such as prior authorization or step therapy, which create barriers to access.

This dataset explores contraceptive coverage mandates in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia in effect from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2021. 


Disclaimer: The laws captured in this dataset may differ from policies included in state Medicaid policy manuals, which are outside the scope of this dataset. The information contained herein does not constitute legal advice. If you have questions regarding your legal rights or obligations, contact an attorney.

Dataset Created by
Elizabeth A. McCaman, JD, MPH

Dataset Maintained by
Elizabeth A. McCaman, JD, MPH

Dataset Valid From
January 1, 2016

Dataset Updated Through
December 31, 2021

Total Jurisdictions Covered

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Elizabeth A. McCaman, JD, MPH (2021, February 8). Insurance Coverage of Contraception.

Elizabeth A. McCaman, JD, MPH (February 8, 2021). “Insurance Coverage of Contraception”.
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