
You are invited to the UR CTSI’s Quarterly Hub Liaison Team Meeting "The National COVID Cohort Collaborative: A research patient database for studying COVID and more." which is planned virtually from 10 -11 am on July 8, 2021.

Join this virtual webinar to hear from Elaine Hill, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences at URMC, about her experience with the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), a national database of over 5.9 million patients, including 1.6+ million who are COVID-positive. Hill will discuss her work with the N3C Pregnancy Domain Team as an example of how University of Rochester researchers can use this database to answer questions about COVID as well as develop novel biostatistical and epidemiologic methods.

This webinar is hosted by the University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UR CTSI). The UR CTSI can help researchers connect with the N3C, which is an initiative of the Center for Data to Health at the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program.

Please complete this survey to confirm your attendance.

If you have any questions, please contact Yonjong Choi(yonjong_choi@urmc.rochester.edu) of the Hub Liaison Team.

Thank you!

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