NE² Region New Editor Welcome Letter Tracker
This form is designed to track communication with new editors, allowing us to prevent sending duplicate messages and overwhelming them. The information added here (except the SM comments) will be retrievable in the state Google Hangouts.
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*** If you are simply updating an existing report with some new or updated information, please ONLY answer the questions you are updating. If this is a new report, please answer all the questions you can. ***
To see if an editor is already on the sheet use the bot command "!wb lookup USERNAME", or check the sheet at
New Editors Username *
Enter name exactly as it appears in WME.
New Editors Rank
Date Contacted *
Please choose the date you sent the message (Waze Chat) NOTE be sure to set the FULL correct year, (e.g. not 0016).
Has the message been read yet?
You only need to choose yes if this is the first time you're reporting this message being read.
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Did the new editor respond yet?
You only need to choose yes if this is the first time you're reporting this message being responded to..
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Your Waze Username *
Was the editor added to any Chats?
Editing Location
Start with the 2 letter state abbreviation(s) for the where they are editing, and then you can add the name of an area, or a PL. If this is an update to an existing report please don't report the same location unless there is an update.
Remember these are visible to the public.
SM Notes
These notes will only be visible in the sheet, not in the chat
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