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What Were My Childhood Dreams


My Childhood Dreams


Being in Zero Gravity


The Vomit Comet


The Power of Enthusiasm


Role Model for Young People


Being an Imagineer


The Aladdin Project


Building Virtual Worlds


Campus-Wide Exhibition


It Just Was a Joy To Be Involved with and They Took the Whole Stage Performance Aspect of this Way Too Seriously and It Became this Campus Phenomenon every Year People Would Line Up for It It Was Very Flattering and It Gave Kids a Chance so a Sense of Excitement of Putting on a Show for People Who Were Then Excited about It I Think that that's One of the Best Things You Can Give Somebody the Chance To Show Them What It Feels like To Make Other People Get Excited and Happy I Mean that's a Tremendous Gift We Always Try To Involve the Audience whether It Was People with Glow Sticks or Batting a Beach Ball Around or Driving


And There Was So Much Energy and I Do Believe in Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due So in My Typically Visual Way Right if Don and I Were To Split the Success for the Etc He Clearly Gets the Lion's Share of It He Did the Lion's Share of the Work Okay He Had the Lion's Share of the Ideas It Was a Great Teamwork I Think It Was a Great Yang and Yang but It Was More like Yin and Yang and He Deserves that Credit and I Give It to Him because the Utc Is a Wonderful Place and You Know He's Now Running It and He's Taking It Global We'Ll Talk about that in a Second Describing the Etc Is Really Hard and I Finally Found a Metaphor


But for the Most Part People Looked at that and Went Wow I Got Ai Got To Pick It Up a Notch I Better Start Thinking about What I'M Saying to People in these Meetings and that Is the Best Best Gift an Educator Can Give Is To Get Somebody To Become Self Reflective so the Etc Was Wonderful but Even the Etc and Even as Don Scales It around the Globe It's Still Very Labor Intensive You Know It's Not Tommy One at a Time It's Not a Research Group Ten at a Time It's Fifty or a Hundred at a Time per Campus Times for Campuses


And I Was Complaining to My Mother about How Hard this Test Was and How Awful It Was and She Just Leaned Over and She Patted Me on the Arm and She Said We Know How You Feel Honey and Remember When Your Father Was Your Age He Was Fighting the Germans after I Got My Phd My Mother Took Great Relish and Introducing Me as this Is My Son He's a Doctor but Not the Kind Who Helps People these Slides Are a Little Bit Dark but When I Was in High School I Decided To Paint My Bedroom I'D Always Wanted a Submarine


And She's Done Wonderful Work Showing that Particularly with Middle School Girls if You Presented as a Storytelling Activity They'Re Perfectly Willing To Learn How To Write Computer Software So all-Time Best Head-Fake Award Goes to Caitlin Kelleher's Dissertation President Cohen When I Told Him I Was Going To Do this Talk He Said Please Tell Them about Having Fun because that's What I Remember You for I Said I Can Do that but It's Kind Of like a Fish Talking about the Importance of Water I Mean I Don't Know How To Not Have Fun Right I'M Dying and I'M Having Fun


President Cohen When I Told Him I Was Going To Do this Talk He Said Please Tell Them about Having Fun because that's What I Remember You for I Said I Can Do that but It's Kind Of like a Fish Talking about the Importance of Water I Mean I Don't Know How To Not Have Fun Right I'M Dying and I'M Having Fun and I'M GonNa Keep Having Fun every Day I Have Left because There's no Other Way To Plant Right So My Next Piece of Advice Is You Just Have To Decide if You'Re a Tigger or You'Re an or I Think I'M Clear Where I Stand on the Great Tigger Debate Never Lose the Childlike Wonder

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
2007Dec 20
Watch the Last Lecture in HD!    • Randy Pausch's Last Lecture - Remastered   Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 - July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," Pausch talked about his lessons learned and gave advice to students on how to achieve their own career and personal goals.

Follow along using the transcript.

Carnegie Mellon University

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