The Aged P

…just toasting and ruminating….

BBC Implying, Obliquely, That Obama Is Being Pushed Under The Bus?

On the surface just a regular business-as-usual contribution to the ongoing Clinton hagiography at the BBC.

In a gushing, slobbering, sycophantic piece of Hello style candyfloss on the BBC website Katie Connolly goes all Sylvie Krin over the Clintons and their daughter’s wedding.

Moreover, the Clintons are icons of a different, seemingly more youthful time in America’s history – a pre 9/11 era when the country wasn’t weighed down with wars, bulging deficits and billowing oil leaks.
Chelsea is a reminder of that time, and people feel invested in the life of that young girl who held her parents hands through their darkest personal days

Darkest personal days? Great therapy codespeak for this, methinks….

The Clintons, of course, are part of a select few that belong to the BBC’s Royal Family (Arafat, Castro, Nehru, Tony Benn etc) who are always treated with reverence and their transgressions initially minimised then airbrushed out of the “narrative”.

If it was a Palin or a Bush daughter getting married you can be guaranteed there would be plenty of veiled (and not so veiled) sneers and quotes from vitriolic haters (think Thatcher) and not so much of this.

But perhaps another part of this puffball is more sigificant….

But mostly, the wedding details have been overshadowed by debates over the guest list – specifically which of Bill and Hillary’s celebrity pals will make the cut.

President Obama ended speculation that he would attend by telling the ladies of US talk show The View that he didn’t receive an invitation.

Famous friends like Oprah Winfrey or Barbra Streisand may appear, but the Clintons have carefully clarified that each of the 400 guests must have a personal connection to the bride and groom.

Remember how the Romans tried to discover the will of the gods by slicing up a chicken and the Vikings did it by reading stones?  And Kremlinologists looked at a man’s placement on a podium overlooking Red Square?  Well, the American left elite sends it’s signals via the media elite (WaPo, NYT etc) and sometimes, oddly enough, this is bounced through the UK’s BBC because, as any fule kno, there is a symbiotic relationship between the great and the good of both nations.

The BBC was always heavily into the Clintons so it must have been with a heavy heart that, alongside the US MSM, it entered into Obama’s styrofoam temple but, of course, the magnetism of the symbolism was too powerful to resist. However, now the columns of hopenchange are beginning to crack and the President is  revealed as the Daley machine hack he really is,  the Beeb is perhaps getting the message from certain salons in New York and Washington that the flirting needs to end and it’s time to return to true love – and what better way to convey the  black spot  than by an oblique comment by the BBC upon not being allowed to rub shoulders with Oprah Winfrey at the wedding of the century……

The plot thickens……..

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One Response to “BBC Implying, Obliquely, That Obama Is Being Pushed Under The Bus?”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sarah Storm Report, Obama Scare. Obama Scare said: BBC Implying, Obliquely, That Obama Is Being Pushed Under The Bus?  #tcot […]


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