Does the Future Need a Legal Guardian?

Given the human tendency to favor current needs over future risks, some environmental and legal scholars are proposing that governments at various levels appoint a “legal guardian of future generations” to consider the impact of policy choices on citizens yet unborn.

A leading proponent of this idea is Carolyn Raffensperger, the executive director of the Science and Environmental Health Network, a group seeking changes in American environmental and public-health policy.

She is proposing that such a guardianship begin with the next presidency. Below you’ll find a note she recently sent outlining her idea.

I was casting about for an illustration of how this could play out and realized one decent example is the situation of polar bears in a human-warmed world. Their populations have risen in recent decades because of hunting controls. So, for the moment, all is well. But the long-term picture is bleak, according to the latest analysis by government bear biologists. How quickly do we act to change energy choices now to limit chances that Arctic sea ice will disappear entirely in summers later in the century (something most biologists agree would greatly diminish bear numbers)? Is it good enough (from the standpoint of future human generations) to preserve the bears mainly in zoos (as in this Wildlife Conservation Society video clip)?

I spoke with Ms. Raffensperger briefly before the holidays. She explained that even in some of the most forward-looking environmental statutes in the United States, like the legislation creating the national parks, the language on safeguarding this asset “unimpaired” for future generations is in the preamble, and thus not “hard law.”

“We haven’t located that responsibility some place in some entity,” she explained, adding that this was what prompted her to pursue the idea of a guardian.

I asked about the economic norm of discounting future risks, on the assumption that coming generations will be richer and smarter than we are, and thus well able to solve their own problems. She said her view of the precautionary principle did not allow discounting. “I actually heard an economist say once that we are obligated to leave these problems to future generations,” Ms. Raffensperger said. “We don’t buy that.”

The climate issue embodies this challenge of balancing present and future costs more than just about any other, many experts say. Long-lived carbon dioxide emissions accumulate, making the challenge of averting a dangerous buildup ever harder with every year of delay in shifting to less polluting (if costlier) energy options.

But the swifter the shift, the higher the costs. It’s something of an intergenerational tug of war, but no one is born yet to pull on the far end of the rope. That’s why she feels that someone in this generation needs to take on that duty.

In the short run, Ms. Raffensperger explained in an e-mail message to me, her goal is to get presidential candidates to take a position on the guardian concept:

I am proposing that the next president appoint a legal guardian of future generations that would review litigation at the Department of Justice, the budget at the Office of Management and Budget, and all regulations at the environmental agencies. Can you also imagine what it would be like if the next president used the well-being of future generations and protecting their inheritance of the commons as the litmus test for judicial appointments? Since I live in Iowa I have the opportunity to ask all the candidates rascally questions.

More generally, we are developing the legal framework to establish the rights of future generations and our responsibility to them. The nonprofit I work for, the Science and Environmental Health Network, has been collaborating with Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Clinic on law as if future generations mattered. [Relevant background is here.]

Early next year we should have draft constitutional amendments for states, nations and tribes as well as a draft statute that would implement constitutional provisions and a job description of a legal guardian. In the short term, the Legal Guardian is something that governments at any level could elect or designate.

An additional partnership has been forged with the Vermont Law School to apply guardianship of future generations specifically to climate change. [Link here.]

One reason I love the word guardian is that it embodies wonderful Jungian archetypes. We’ve been in conversation with people like James Hillman, the writer and psychologist, about the kind of fertile ground a powerful archetype provides.

Finally, you might be interested in looking at the work of the Buddhist Deep Ecologist, Joanna Macy. She’s the grandmother of future-generations work. Joanna does remarkable exercises of taking people into deep time to have dialogs with the imagined future beings. This parallels the letters to future generations that you have featured on your blog.

Carolyn Raffensperger
Science and Environmental Health Network

There’s a broader movement afoot, outside the realm of government and law, to build support for protection of the global commons for all to enjoy, across time. A new Web site,, explains the roots of the idea and summarizes it this way: “People who live today have the sacred right and obligation to protect the commonwealth of the Earth and the common health of people and all our relations for many generations to come.”

So we’re back on the overarching question of what the present owes the future. This relates to those “100-year letters” and an early Dot Earth post.

What do you owe someone else’s great-grandchildren?

How do we apportion responsibility across time for dealing with multigenerational impacts, like the human contribution to climate change, and multigenerational tasks, like transforming how we harvest and use energy?

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Dear Andy and Willing Guardians,

Thanks for your remarkable question. The way you have put the question leads me to think of it as a question that answers itself. It is that obvious.

Only our bravest and most honorable leaders, one who deserves our support and respect, will be willing to respond ably to your question, I believe.

It appears to me that most leaders in these days are not courageous. As examples, we know hundreds of leaders, often serving on multiple corporate executive committees and boards of directors in interlocking organizations who exert extraordinary influence upon politicians and minions in the mass media through the deployment of stupendous amounts of wealth. A tiny number of economic powerbrokers oversee the seemingly endless growth of the world’s national economies, pay little in taxes and direct the course of economic globalization. At least to me, these leaders appear to be leading humankind in a direction that could inadvertently result in us unintentionally subordinating the sacred of this world to the profane… with potentially intolerable consequences for the future of life on Earth.

At its current scale and anticipated rate of growth, the continuous expansion of the world economy we see today could be approaching a point in human history when unbridled production, unchecked per human consumption and skyrocketing human population numbers could overwhelm the limited natural resources and frangible ecosystem services of Earth, upon which life itself utterly depends for its very existence.

Is it not the circumstances of unrestrained, human-forced “overgrowth” activities worldwide that need to change? Perhaps leaders are now called upon to lead by reasonably and sensibly limiting the global growth of human numbers, per capita consumption and endlessly expanding production capabitities so that we find a balanced relationship with nature and, consequently, give this marvelous planetary home God has blessed us to inhabit the time it requires for self-renewal. In our time, people are recklessly dissipating resources at a much faster rate than Earth can restore them for human benefit.

On the other hand, we could choose to stay the current “business as usual” course by maximally increasing production and dissipating limited resources, thereby causing economic globalization to continuously grow to the point of its unsustainability. As we proceed along this path toward an unsustainable global economy, we will see how distinctly human over-consumption, overproduction and overpopulation activities lead us to commandeer remaining original wildlife habitats, extirpate biodiversity, degrade fragile ecosystems and, very shortly, engulf the planet.

Perhaps now is the time to openly discuss one topic: the guardianship of the integrity of Earth’s ecosphere, its biodiversity and its natural resources. Let us speak out now with intellectual honesty and courage about good scientific data indicating that the current scale and rate of growth of seemingly endless economic expansion could become a patently unsustainable enterprise in this century.

Until now, such discussions as this one could not be introduced, much less maintained, in the mass media. Now, thankfully, more and more people are following your leadership and speaking out loudly and clearly for good science, humanity and the preservation of the Earth, and being heard.

This is only a guess, but one day soon the word ECOLOGY will be spoken in mainstream, public discourse as freely, forcefully and often as the word ECONOMY. One day I believe political leaders among us will substitute the word ECOLOGY for the word ECONOMY in the following sentence.




Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population

Excuse me, but I am an old-fashioned, small-town person from the Midwest, and this is just too fuzzy and feel-good for me.

Saving the future for future generations is missing the point.

We are going to have plenty of work on our hands in the present just to save the planet for ourselves.

We need to get that ball rolling.

This post is just too lah di dah for me.

Please post something a little more immediately useful.

It seems that a guardian concept would introduce unnecessary layers of legal battles. Wouldn’t it be better to integrate a “seven generations hence” idea into the system, the constitutional amendment as mentioned, so that it becomes integrated throughout the system?

As proposed, I fear that the guardian concept would be a back-door “right to life” proponent, or at the very least subject to being co-opted by that crowd. One can imagine the sloganeering now: what’s more important to future generations than allowing it to be born? As noted regularly on this blog, human population is already a big part of the planet’s problems.

Tangling the earth’s problems with the US abortion debate would ensure inertia, something of which GW skeptics would probably approve.

Dear Andy,

What are we going to say to our children when they ask us the two following questions?

Question One:

When did you know your generation was inadvertently precipitating the massive extinction of life as we know it and destroying the Earth?

Question Two:

Why did you and your leaders not stop what you were doing and at least try to do something different, that might have given life as we know it a chance for a good enough future rather than keep charging ahead down the “primrose path” you could see would soon lead humankind to confront some kind of colossal wreckage, the likes of which only Ozymandias has seen?



Steven Earl Salmony, Ph.D., M.P.A.
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population, established 2001

It strikes me that some of the confusion arises from the fact that economists tend to conflate GDP with welfare (not always in theory, but almost always in practice). It may be that future generations will be richer, but they won’t be able to buy polar bears back into existence, or recreate the Appalachian Mountains, or lower sea levels, or reclaim temperate climate zones.

They’ll be richer, and so they’ll better be able to *protect* themselves from the inclement conditions we’re creating. But wealth can’t get back many of the things that currently go unrepresented in GDP calculations.

Another left wing extremist proposition to redistribute wealth by scare tactics, and to enshrine speculative “science” in “hard law.” I do not object to anyone wanting to have imaginary conversations with future beings, as long as we recognize that it is “imaginary.” Jungian archetypes are fun too, for psych 101 students. All this is very adolescent and ivory tower academic. We cannot predict/control the future. We cannot even reliably predict the weather tomorrow. Are these people proposing a ban on abortions via “guardian?” That would be pretty right wing extremist. Let’s examine the “nonprofit” she works for.

If only we could protect future generations from science driven by politics.

The last thing we need is a Legal Guardian for the future….Unless it ptotects the future generations from excess government spending and taxing.

“Their [polar bears’] populations have risen in recent decades because of hunting controls. So, for the moment, all is well.”

how refreshing to hear the truth about this supposedly endangered species.

in less than 5 years, i expect we’ll be hearing that the arctic ice cap appears to be refreezing and expanding at an unanticipated rate as well.

in another 5 years, when the agw hypothesis has been totally debunked, maybe then we can start concentrating on the REAL problems confronting the planet: air, sea and land pollution, depletion of resources (especially oil) and OVERPOPULATION.

but i doubt it!

It’s a wonderful idea. There is an Indian tribe ( can’t remember which ) that makes all tribal decisions based on what the consequences would be for 7 generations in the future. I’m a grandmother and I have already written a letter to my great grandchildren apologizing for our lack of foresight. We have been selfish with the things that we can only borrow and never keep.

If Michael Crichton or Sen. James Imhofe of Oklahoma won’t take the job, then I’ll gladly accept the position as ‘Legal Guardian of the Future’.


The answer an empowered United Nations.

The question is, can Americans, even high-minded ones, ever look past their own “laws’ constituion, SUpreme Court et. al. as the solution to everything? this was supposedly an article about the Earth, after all.

It’s a deep-seated problem, like the NY Times article recently on whether the US Navy is “powerful enough” to suppress China. Like it or not, that’s Nazism.

Look at yourselves America, and be afraid..

Great post.

I caught the end of NOW with David Brancaccio yesterday; he was having this same conversation with the net-thinker John Perry Barlow, of Electronic Frontier FOundation and Grateful Dead fame.

Worth watching.

There is no ultimate solution. Changes do take place and that too in spite of the best efforts of the conservationists.

Yes, avoiding waste is always good. There is no need for so many private cars. The alternative is an efficient public transport system based on air conditioned bases which can carry forty or fifty people; thus elemenating the waste of forty or fifty cars burning so much of oil. There is no harm if people walk a bit here and there from the point they get down from the bus. That is common sense. But if harmless alternative to fossil which is equally cheap and plentiful could be invented, there is no harm in continuing with the present arrangement despite the traffic jams.

Change is fundamental. In the course of time the artic ice will melt and may be the same thing happen to the Antartic. Human beings will migrate to the upper regions,away from the sea or migrate to other planets.

Presently what people of common sense and good intentions all over the earth to do is to help science and technology find viable solutions to the problem; while doing every thing possible at conservation.

Posted by Harikumar from Mumbai India

Please read Beckerman and Pasek’s “Justice, Posterity, and the Environment.” They completely miss the point about somethings, like rising relative inequality and how this leads to environmental degradation (they also seem to think that urbanization is the way to improve the environment which is clearly not true), however they have a point about the future generations arguments. Future generations don’t have a right to the environment. However, current generations do! (Something they never explicitly state.) When we act, we need to act for ourselves and our fellows. Acting for “the future” confuses things and sounds hopelessly naive and warm and fuzzy.


I think the post is off the objective track and too feel-goody. As an example, Joanna Macy is cited as a “Buddhist Deep Ecologist” – whatever that means. Whatever good she and others Buddhist may do, my impression of her work is that it is limited in a traditional Buddhist way – very little objective or intellectual engagement.

On the hand dealing with the rights of future beings is essential. Limiting the framework to short term and how it affects us adults/voters is not going to get the job done. How many of the readers seriously think they are going to face an environmental crisis in their lifetime? If you think you will then expand the question to see what kind of “crisis” is in the pipeline for the next and then the next generation.

For years I’ve thought it would be appropriate to place something in the Constitution about the rights of future citizens. Without it healthy long term policy making could be seriously hamstrung.

the real question is… are we alone in the universe?? do we need to protect ourselves from an alternative reality?? global warming is bad. it’s going to cause climate change. but maybe it’s not the worst thing headed down the pipeline for the “future” generations… i think we have alot of ground to cover, and possibilities to consider before we figure out how exactly to “protect” this planet. maybe we shift our entire existance into a computer simulation to shield our most vulnerable mortal/physical characteristics. maybe we take off into the galaxy in route to another life sustaining planet, better than ours. maybe our god self manifests through some crazy quantum physics and we are rescued from our dim frontier minded destiny. or just maybe we decide we want to spend at least another million years right here at home, and we begin to shift the planet into a new age of clean energy technology, and sustainable ecological tactics. who knows, who cares, why worry, it’s not our problem… it’s our solution.

There are some ideas that are so powerful that you immediately feel the thrill of recognition: when I opened this page, the hair stood up on the back of my neck.

This is a truly brilliant solution. Yes, we owe it to our creator to take this one and only human-friendly ecosystem we have been given, and not destroy it for our future selves.

I hope that Carolyn Raffensperger has had a chance to talk to the candidates about this “time has come” idea, since she is in Iowa.

This is certainly an interesting concept, but I’d like to see a more concrete description and analysis of likely scenarios before signing on. This seems to address what we’re leaving for future generations – but anybody with children (of their own, or others they care about) would have some concern about that.

Then there’s the question of international action and fairness, given the differing impact of any problem affecting the “global commons”, and the differing capabilities and responsibilities to solve them between nations. That surely requires more than what any one nation can, on its own, accomplish, and so international agreements and the UN play a key role – does a US “guardian” help with that?

And then there’s the relationship between human-kind and the rest of the natural world. Do we owe them anything? Does the natural world get a spokesperson other than the scientists who study them? The religious concept of “stewardship” suggests a duty beyond pure human interests. Secular respect for nature can imply a similar responsibility. But what’s the boundary there – I don’t think it’s likely we’ll get majority assent to PETA-style respect for animals, but there does seem to be a near-universal regard for species rather than individuals, already embodied in US law in the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

I suspect the long-run boundary should be somewhere in between PETA and the ESA, something along the lines of the often discussed goal of “sustainability. Of course there are those who think the ESA already goes too far. If our responsibility to protect nature is regarded as an offshoot of a responsibility to future generations, rather than as a primary duty in its own right, I fear it will too easily allow rationalization of destruction.

Bravo to Carolyn Raffensperger, it’s an important idea and worth pursuing. As for the “overarching question of what the present owes the future” and “What do you owe someone else’s great-grandchildren?” on [one] level, the Present doesn’t owe the Future anything since we have no idea what the future will be and we are not wired, as humans, to care very much about the Future, except in terms of an imaginary Afterlife and graveyard tombstones. And as for someone else’s great-grandchildren, most people could not be bothered; again, it’s not in our wiring to care very much about some stranger’s greatgrandkids.

But … on an [another] level … we could overcome our selfish genes and try to care a little bit about a future we ourselves will never see, although probably does not make much sense to people like Bjorn Lomberg, the eloquent statistician from Denmark.

I think it will take a mind revolution/evolution of enormous proportions for humankind to overcome this present impasse. The “Age of Consequences” report released in early November is a good road map to follow. But the Mad Max scenario in part three will probably not go over very well with most readers.

But yes, the future does need a legal guardian, wonderful wonderful idea, Carolyn Raffensperger!
And not only in the U.S., but all countries need such legal guardians, maybe the UN could do this, too.

As the New Year approaches, hope spreads her wings. But time is running out… (dot dot dot)


I agree with Ms Rafternsperger’s idea that we need legal guardian for next generation. Love next generation is hour human’s instinct. But how can we love them is a problem. As nowaday’s our consump energy pace, we will never leave energy of oil and so on to our next generation. World untill 2050 fossil fuel consumption will still ocupy 50% of total energy, but there are not so much oil left on the earth. Oil is many products’s original. Not only for car. But America and China search the oil around world. Especially, China now contribute to economy depend on fossil fuel very hard. I wonder that if the fossil fuel finished, how can China support their economy? Did Chinese goverment think about which kind style life they will left to next generation? Now human want use out all the resource of the earth not think about what they will left for their generation. In Chinese old word’s “thin water flow long”. We need plan as Ms Rafternsperger said legal garudian for our next generation, not left a empty earth, dazens of greenhouse gas and terriable cliamte for our next generation. In our generation is turn point of energy for our earth and our humanbeing. We need develop low-carbon, green economy. Lefting renewable energy technology, limit oil, biodiversity ecosystem and calm climate for our next generation. Please America, please China think about our next generation, escape from the economy depending of fossil fuel and give our next generation a bright future.

So let me get this straight, people on the “Green” bandwagon want to support the rights of future generations to have access to a cleaner better environment. (Both adjectives are subjective and open to interpretation) Will these same people fight for the right of the “unborn” to see the light of day or does the environment only count? I am pro choice but extreme positions of this type make me wonder whether the “Green” movement will used to control and determine every aspect of our lives, ultimately rendering “free choice” to a historic relic. Finally I don’t work for an oil company, I’ve eaten organic food for over 14 years. I purchase my food at the farmer’s market during the summer and attempt to limit my consumption to things I need but I don’t feel that I have the right to force my lifestyle on anyone else. Religious zealots scare me and this “Green,” movement is becoming equally as frightening. When do we do away with the those who only consume and add no “value” to society? )The poor, elderly and severely handicapped.)

After years of careful and skillful research by the International Panel on Climate Change, it seems to me that the time has come to examine whether many too many government officials are behaving malevolently and acting in bad faith by continuing to disseminate disinformation that debunks the evidence of global warming.

With the establishment of the scientific consensus on climate change, is it reasonable and sensible to ask of government officials who remain obstructive and in denial of such overwhelming scientific data if they are perfidiously engaged in a violation of public trust and, therefore, malfeasant in office?

Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population

anonymous # 8,

“in less than 5 years, i expect we’ll be hearing that the arctic ice cap appears to be refreezing and expanding at an unanticipated rate as well.”

In FOUR years I expect to be king of the world.

Something is amiss…

1. It seems like the guardian will be an extremely powerful legal entity that can tie up anything deemed remotely harmful to future generations in the courts. Is that necessarily the best recourse?

2. It also seems, at least potentially, that this will become an inherently biased position that I doubt would ever decide against something the environmental movement considers harmful to future generations. Would this give an already powerful interest group a permanent bully pulpit?

3. We’re already struggling with the definition of personhood (corporations, anyone?) What is the legal ramifications of defining a completely non-existent entity as a constitutionally recognized person with rights?

4. This isn’t terribly unlike the Bush preemption argument…

5. There are far bigger fish to fry: overpopulation, fresh water supply, suburban sprawl (urbanization is GOOD Amy. Concentrating large amounts of people in a small space is a lot more environmentally friendly than having them spread out in a sprawl and overtake huge swaths of land), and air pollution. All these things have an understood impact on our quality of life today, and would be a far better investment than in climate change, which also has every indication of being a cyclical phenomenon.

[Amended from previous]

Actually, the case could be made that our great, great grandchildren are a hidden cause of global warming, through the normal action of mate selection within our own generation. Consumers choose status items in great part to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex.

How are our great, great grandchildren to blame for this kind of decision-making? The primary contract with the future that we have is through sex, and procreation. Mechanisms of mate selection in the present — which form habits of buying — play a key role in the environment of future generations. (This is in line with evolutionary theory from Darwin to Dawkins.)

One can see the logic for the individual: if a Range Rover attracts the best possible mate, it makes sense to continue to drive one (preferably a new one) right up to the last moment till they are banned or taxed out of existence. The cost from the excess CO2 from the S.U.V. is borne by everyone in the future generation, whereas the genetic advantage from getting a better mate accrues to one’s OWN OFFSPRING ONLY. Thus, the Range Rover gives your great great grandchildren a competitive advantage — in theory. This is, in fact, is the instinctive reasoning behind most status displays — whether with bower birds or people. Nature does everything for a reason.

Developing economies are moving this way, as shown in an article on new cars in India — an advertisement showing a man with a sporty car, with the headline: “Now, That’s A Man.”


The implicit message: the man with the car is sexier; ergo, he will have better marriage opportunities, and in life, there is no deeper or more profound subject. In the U.S., in wealthier communities, you need more than just a car to make an impression, you probably do need a Range Rover (observe the streets of New York). Here’s that consideration expressed in another Times article, a review of hybrid S.U.V.’s, in November, 2006:

“…Until now, hybrids could hardly be considered babe magnets or or hunk attractors…Consider my brother. Fed up with the cost of feeding a gallon of imported fuel into his Range Rover for every 11 miles driven, he picked up a hybrid crossover utility, a Lexus RX 400h, instead. A year later, the drumbeat of teasing from friends and loved ones — they accused him of driving a girlie car — compelled him to ditch the Lexus and get another Range Rover.”


One could say it’s the call of one’s own future generation — their urge for the best DNA available — that is steering you to the Range Rover dealership, if you feel so inclined. (This habit of mind is true even of couples that are already married, as another Times writer, Keith Bradsher, wrote in his classic article “Was Freud a Minivan or S.U.V. Kind of Guy?” The conservative blogger Glenn Reynolds noted that simply making parenthood ‘hipper’ would help dissuade married couples from persisting in buying S.U.V.’s, and choose minivans instead, because having kids would be viewed as the ‘sexy’ lifestyle itself, and one wouldn’t need an ‘adventurous’ S.U.V. as a marker of continued sexual viability.)

It’s obvious that many people could care less about the car someone drives. It’s also obvious that many people still do — and in face of reading about the looming crisis of climate change, turn the page to a Range Rover ad and head to the dealership. (Again, look at the streets.)

How to get around the existing expectations? Changing women’s opinions faster might help, since women still tend to be on the receiving end of wealth displays; if Range Rovers, or new little Indian cars, had no symbolic value to a man’s marriage prospects, or NEGATIVE VALUE to marriage prospects, it would certainly change the landscape quickly. Maybe there is too much embedded in essentially conservative human expectations for a big change fast, though any change would help deflect the trajectory as India and China begin to adopt U.S. buying patterns. And a ‘contract with generations’ might be a good symbolic statement to raise awareness.

The other answer: electric Range Rovers.