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Culture of Empathy Builder: Jo Berry 


Jo Berry & Edwin Rutsch: Dialogs on How to Build a Culture of Empathy

I have founded a Charity Building Bridges for Peace, I am a inspirational speaker and facilitator in conflict resolution and peace building. 

I am passionate about finding alternatives to blame and how to resolve conflict without hurting another human being. I am healing from losing my Father to terrorism and am transforming my pain into my passion for peace. I work with Pat Magee who planted the bomb which killed my Dad and am involved in reconciliation and peace in Northern Ireland and all over the world.

I commit to seeing the humanity in everyone and understand we all have a different story. Peace comes when we see the needs of the 'other' when we stop demonizing any other group but instead take responsibility for our need to blame another. 

Through dialogue with emotional safety we can begin to break down walls and open hearts. I believe in the power of listening with empathy.



Jo Berry & Edwin Rutsch: Dialogs on How to Build a Culture of Empathy



(Video Transcriptions: If you would like to take empathic action and create a transcription of this video, check the volunteers page.  The transcriptions will make it easier for other viewers to quickly see the content of this video.)




Jo Berry - Empathy in Extreme Situations - Empathy and Compassion in Society 2013






Disarming with Empathy: Jo Berry at TEDxExeter


"Jo Berry has worked for over 10 years to resolve conflict around the world. Sixteen years after her father was killed by an IRA bomb, Jo first met with the man responsible, Pat Magee. Her preparedness to try to understand him opened a path to empathy that continues to develop. Their unusual relationship has been told in the BBC documentary "Facing the Enemy", was featured in the film "Soldiers of Peace", and inspired "The Bomb", a play by Kevin Dyer. The founder of Building Bridges for Peace, Jo advocates that empathy is the biggest weapon we have to end conflict."