McLaren says, " I’m an author, social science researcher, a cappella
arranger, and an empath, which means I know that I read emotions. I worked
as an empathic healer for twenty-five years, and I once thought that my
empathic skills were mystical.
Karla also leads workshops, she says,
"Empathy is possibly the most important social
skill you possess, yet it can be very fragile. It is common to get
triggered and lose the capacity to empathize in the presence of
conflict, anger, fear, or anxiety. You may attack or withdraw, or become
unable to think or feel your way to a more useful response. The
solution: learn to fully embody your empathy so that it becomes a safe
and reliable stance that you can return to in times of trouble."
Some of us are natural-born empaths—those with an
exceptional gift for feeling and understanding the emotions,
circumstances, and needs of others. But empathy, teaches Karla McLaren, is
a universal skill that we can all learn to awaken and use wisely. WithThe
Art of Empathy,
she guides listeners step-by-step into the art of experiencing through the
eyes and hearts of others—and to connect with and support them most
effectively. Drawing on insights spanning sociology, current brain
research, and traditional healing wisdom, this acclaimed teacher shows us
how to:
Discover and strengthen this natural social and emotional
Prepare for empathy training by learning to identify and
regulate our own emotions and boundaries
Move into the felt experience of others with authenticity
and respect
Use our empathic skills to communicate with and benefit
those around us
Improve our intimate relationships, parenting efforts,
and workplace issues
Expand our empathy into our communities and even the
natural world "
The Art of
Empathy, Part 1 The Art of Empathy,
Part 2
"What does it truly mean to have empathy? Can some of us be
“hyper-empathic”? If empathy is something we feel we’re lacking, then how do
we cultivate it? In this week’s episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami speaks
with author and social science researcher Karla McLaren about the subject of
her new book and [...]"
The Art of Empathy is a book and audio learning program that will help you
understand empathy clearly and tangibly, so that you can bring your unique
empathic gifts to our waiting world. Learn more at KarlaMcLaren.com.
"Empathy is possibly the most important social skill you
possess, yet it can be very fragile. It is common to get triggered and lose
the capacity to empathize in the presence of conflict, anger, fear, or
anxiety. You may attack or withdraw, or become unable to think or feel your
way to a more useful response.
The solution: learn to fully embody your empathy so that it becomes a safe and
reliable stance that you can return to in times of trouble.
In Embodying Empathy, somatic psychologist and aikido sensei
Nick Walker
and empath Karla McLaren will help you access your empathy tangibly so that
you can work through your triggers and use all of your emotions as the
essential resources they are.
This one-day experiential workshop will help you befriend
and strengthen your natural empathic abilities and access your emotional
awareness with support and ease."
Developing Empathy through Reading
Learn the single skill that could radically improve your relationships
and emotional life. Empathic pioneer and author of “The Art of Empathy”,
KARLA MCLAREN, shares four decades of empathic experience with current
insights from neuroscience, social science, the arts, and healing
Talking about empathy with Tami
Tami Simon and I got a chance to talk about empathy last year when I was
in Colorado recording the audio workshop for
The Language of Emotions.
She’s a wonderful interviewer, and I want to expand on a few things we
covered in this short interview (here’s the the original empath:
Gem from Star Trek).
What does it mean to be an Empath?
that is aware that they read emotions
we all
read emotions, we can't not
focusing on words versus
I'm an
empath - a highly sensitive person
I would
see what is going on in relationships
how do you see the information?
body language
hierarchy in the relationships
behavior versus the deeper qualities
thinks they are in charge and who is
Why hard to feel your own self?
New Empathic Skills! It was really fun to build
a curriculum for fellow empaths, and to create a place where emotional
awareness was accepted and expected.
Are you a skilled emotionologist?
As psychology, neuroscience, and
leap forward in understanding, we’re finally remembering that empathy
and emotions are essential to our intelligence.
The Roots of Empathy I’ve written a great deal
about what it means
to be an empath, and luckily for all of us, empathy is a big topic
right now. I just discovered
study that seems to measure empathy. The study is in the news right
now because the researchers have concluded that students today are 40%
less empathetic than they were in the 1970s. Hmmmmmm.
What is an Empath? When people ask me what I
do, I say that I’m a writer, researcher, and empath. This last title
often makes people ask “What?” For my fellow trekkies, the word “empath”
has a special meaning. Gem, in the 1968 episode “The Empath,” was able
to take other peoples’ emotions and pain into her own body and heal it
for them.
The Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life’s
Most Essential Skill
What if there were a single skill that could directly and
radically improve your relationships and your emotional life?Empathy,
teaches Karla McLaren, is that skill.
We all long to be seen and understood, to be valued and honored,
and to be loved for exactly who we are. We also want to connect
deeply with others, understand them clearly, and respond
skillfully to their wants and needs. We want to navigate through
difficulties and conflicts with grace, and we want our
relationships to be a source of healing, strength, humor, and
love. We wantempathy–
and we want to know how to offer our empathy to others. InThe
Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life’s Most Essential Skill,
you’ll learn how to develop and work with your empathy, and how to
become a healthy and happy empathic presence in a world that needs
Part One Welcoming Empathy into Your Life...
Chapter 1: What is Empathy, and Why is it Important?
Chapter 2: Defining and Redefining Empathy - An
Empathic Approach
Welcoming Those Who Have Been Exiled
A Short History of Empathy
Six Essential Aspects of Empathy
Empathic Accuracy
Emotion Regulation
Perspective Taking:
Concern for Others
Perceptive Engagement:
Empathy for Yourself
When All Six Aspects Are Challenged
An Empath is Someone Who is Aware
Chapter 3: An Empath's Guide to Empathy - Developing
Your Social and Emotional Intelligence
Your Emotional Style
Empathic Mindfulness Meditations for Kinetic
Developing Emotional Genius
Action-Requiring Neurological Programs
Which Actions are Required
Four Ideas that Ensure Emotional Confusion
Chapter 4: An Empath's Guide to Emotions - Why Emotions
Chapter 5: The Art of Empathy - Gathering your Tools
Part Two Brining Empathy into the World
Chapter 6: Empaths at Home
Creating a Sanctuary Where empathy can Flourish
Chapter 7: Empathic Friendships, Empathic Love
Relationships as an Empathic Art Form
Chapter 8: Empathic Communication - Getting into Sync
with Others
Chapter 9: Empathic Mentoring, Empathic Parenting
Into Sync with Others
Chapter 10: Empathy at Work
Excelling in the Art of Emotion Work
Chapter 11: Empathy for the World
The Empathic Art of Social Justice
Envisioning an Empathic Civilization Together
Benefits of Empathy
Skillful empathy can help you immerse yourself in
physical activities like art, music, or dance, so that you can embody
the art form and live it in fully.
Skillful empathy can also help you immerse yourself in
intellectual activities like reading, writing, research, or
theory-making so that you can understand ideas and experiences with
complexity, breadth, and compassionate depth.
Empathic awareness can help you understand emotion
work in yourself and others so that you can interact skillfully and
Empathic accuracy can help you identify emotions
clearly so that you can understand others, and also understand the
many ways that media, advertising, activists, and politicians work to
manipulate your emotions.
From book
Empathy is crucial to the functioning of all social
structures - large, small, intimate, local, national, and international.
Empathy helps us offer support. (helps us offer sensitive, perceptive and appropriate
communication and support.)