I had the BEST time at my very first LGBT Pride March. I went as Ladyboy Wonder to my man-slave’s Buttman, and bore the special rainbow version of the Filipino Freethinkers logo for the length of the parade.
I brought along my purple multi-setting vibrator (which I got for free; it’s a long story), and it was put to good use by several FF’ers, most notably Cy the Purple Pimp Excommunicator…
Red the Pedo-Priest (who is with Garrick, our resident Molestee, in the photo below)…
…and Bea, our Vicar with a Vag.
Our token slogan for the march was the mind-numbingly stupid (and therefore strangely intelligent) “Salt is a sin!” We chanted this and other slogans most especially upon meeting the Christian fundamentalists — a.k.a. ‘fundies’ — parked on every other corner with their anti-LGBT gear.
Photo-bombing the fundies, in fact, was the highlight of the march. Never have I been so excited to see an ultra-conservative. We’d hurtle towards them screeching in glee, ready to be photographed with our counter-protest signs, eager to cause a kerfuffle and drown out their hate speech.
We made several awesome photo-bombs, but the photo below is arguably the most awesome of the lot:
It pains me to note that the streetkids were thrilled at the sight of Buttman and could not give a fig about his Ladyboy Wonder, but that’s okay, because our gaysome twosome made for excellent photo ops regardless:
We even won ‘Best Theme’ at the end of the march, which was very awesome, albeit pretty confusing, since we didn’t really have a theme in mind, unless fundie-spotting is a theme. Or Pedo-Priest. Or Purple Pimp. Or Gay Comic Book Heroes.
I look forward to next year’s march. Apart from the endless hi-jinks, I truly enjoyed showing my support as an Ally of the LGBTs, and not just because I’m part-Babaeng Bakla, part-One-of-the-Boys.
Salt is a sin, brothers and sisters! Salt is a sin!
(Photo 1 by Steve Gelano; other photos by JM Aguilar)
Batman and Robin onscreen kiss FTW !!!
saw you guys at the Pride March. Nice costumes! And thanks for the stickers — used it on my laptop already
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roxanne , FilipinoFreethinkers. FilipinoFreethinkers said: NewPost: LGBT Pride March 2010: Putting the 'Fun' Back in 'Fundie' http://j.mp/ei6O1N […]