[Entry form] World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019
This is entry form of the 1st edition of  "World VTuber Showcase" in SIGGRAPH 2019.

[Play List of Entry] http://bit.ly/WVS19

Virtual Beings World in SIGGRAPH 2019 is the first BoF meeting which gives opportunity to share current trends related to  “Virtual Beings” that includes VTuber, Virtual Influencer, Digital Double, Virtual Idols and Avatar Society from all around the world.
What is Virtual Beings? Is it photo realistic or not? Real-time or not? We will try to tackle all these questions. Attendees will have to opportunity to meet key contributors in this field and to explore the possibility of human beings in this new virtual reality era.
The event will be held on Monday 29th July at ACM SIGGRAPH Theater in SIGGRAPH 2019 (Los Angeles Convention Center). It will have a round table, technical pitch “Virtual Being Fast Forward”, and character driven short teaser contest “World VTuber Showcase”.

VTuber (a.k.a. Virtual YouTuber, Virtual Presence, Virtual Influencers, Virtual Beings, Digital Human, etc) are rapidly expanding. This event aims to be focusing to share these virtual talents to extend a new field CG and Interactive techniques in world wide stage.
Project description : http://bit.ly/VBW2019D
If you're company, please join us as a partner: https://j.mp/VBFF19Entry

[Call for Personas]
Deadline: end of June → Extended to 12th July 23:59 AoE
60 sec Video message for SIGGRAPH participants
Reviewing concept: Selection by uniqueness of (1)Character design, (2)Message, (3)Technology, (4) expression and (5) presence and influence.

<Submission elements>
- Producer’s email address (google account on the top of this form)
- Actor/Player’s character name:
- Indicate categories {Musician, Comedian, Artist, Technical Evangelist, Super model, Company mascot,  Individual}
- Concept of Character design “My virtual being is” (200 words or less)
- World concept and message: Text from the video (for translation)
 Message should be designed for SIGGRAPH participants but not limited to them. If you need theme, please tell about “My dream  in 2020”. The last sentence must include "World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019" to attract people interest to SIGGRAPH. Translation and subtitles will help for wider audience. Committee is not limited to English contents but common language will be English in this event.

- Language region: (Ex: Japanese/ Japan)
- Technical aspects: (Ex: Unreal Engine 4, own dev mocap, iPhoneX face controller…)
- Abilities of player: (Ex: Sing Karaoke, play video game, Karate )
- Most fan/target audience: (Ex: teenager, Karate practitioner)
- Main social media and influence (evidence URL, number of subscribers, likes, gifts)
- YouTube channel URL:
- Twitter account:
- URL of video: (Submission contents. It can be released by own, not limited as new)
- Introduction of production company: (official name, and URL, 100 words or less)
- Message for program committee:
- Where you got information of “World VTuber Showcase”:
- Publish timing - "I allow to publish this submission immediately."
- Will you come to SIGGRAPH 2019 Los Angeles in person? (Producer/Actor/Virtual)
- Agreement (rights agreement for edit, show, distribute, include related events or playlist)

Finalist announcement of  "World VTuber Showcase" will be 19th July
Submitted YouTube video can be public, early entry will have chance to expose with Twitter tags.
#WorldVTuber #VirtualBeingsWorld #SIGGRAPH2019
After this submission, you can share your video with these tags.

Official Program in SIGGRAPH 2019
Virtual Beings World (BoF)
Session Time: Monday, 29 July 2019 4:30pm - 6pm (PCT) -> Extended and moved to 4-6 pm in PCT!
Location: ACM SIGGRAPH Theater, Room 309

"Virtual Being, Fast Forward" (onsite pitch in 3 min) and partner company form:
[Virtual Being, Fast Forward] 25th June - Close at 12th July  https://j.mp/VBFF19Entry

Please share these URL for Eventbrite: http://j.mp/VBW19EB
SIGGRAPH Official Live Stream
YouTube Live @ GREE VR Studio Lab

Q: Is it possible to be publish the submitted video today?
A: Yes! We also love to share your submission on Twitter@VRStudioLab. If you do not prefer your submitted video as secret, please choose "I prefer to keep secret this submission, if it may not be selected as the final stage".

Q: Is it possible to speak in our language?
A: Yes, but please add subtitle in English. And please provide its script text must give on this form. It will be helpful for wider international audiences.

Q: Is video duration must be as in 60 seconds? The final version will be same version?
A: Roughly 60 seconds for submission. The format is for reviewing and including to the official playlist. If your submission is selected as a finalist and not fit to the format, organization will ask you to resubmit a different version later. But it is sure it is not rejected.

Q: When is the deadline for entry? Which timezone?
The deadline is 23:59, 12th July 2019, Anywhere on Earth (AoE) as a standard time. AoE has a UTC offset of - 12:00. This means that the time zone is 12 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.
But please don't wait until the deadline, this entry form is updating by submitted entries and jury are waiting for your great submissions.

Q: My creation is based on Live2D. Is it be refused?
A: Absolutely no, reviewer will review your creations by uniqueness of (1)Character design, (2)Message, (3)Technology, (4) expression and (5) presence and influence. Common technology based creation may be weak in an element but it is not be refused.

Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D / GREE VR Studio Lab, Director / akihiko.shirai@gree.net
Twitter: @o_ob / @vrstudiolab

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Project "Virtual Beings World" in SIGGRAPH 2019
Special Prize by Dynamixyz
Message from Dynamixyz
Exhibiting in SIGGRAPH2019, We are pleasure to give a prize for "World VTuber Showcase".We provide facial mocap systems to bring emotion to virtual beings.  http://www.dynami.xyz
See our collaborator's work.

For "Dynamixyz prize":
Dynamixyz tethered Head Mounted Camera + 1 year subscription of Performer Factory that will let the winner play with our software for live tracking or production purposes (total value is  USD $ 11,771).
Special prize by Hyprsense
Message from Hyprsense
We are pleasure to give a prize for "World VTuber Showcase" and Exhibiting in SIGGRAPH2019.
Hyprsense provides real-time facial motion capture technology to enable live animation. Using only a single RGB webcam, our solution can be used for individual VTubers or virtual influencers to create live streaming content.

For "hyprsense prize" winner:
'Hyprsense SDK license for one year and one Logitech Brio webcam, along with our marketing support'
Partners of Virtual Beings World in SIGGRAPH 2019 #VBW19
Partners (agreed, A to Z)
“VRonWEBMEDIA” 81plus Inc. Japan - https://vron.jp/
Dynamixyz, France - http://www.dynami.xyz/
EXR inc., Japan - http://exr.co.jp/
FXGuide.COM LLC, U.S.A - https://www.fxguide.com/
StretchSense Limited, New Zealand - https://www.stretchsense.com/
The Venture Reality Fund - http://www.thevrfund.com/
WFLE (Wright Flyer Live Entertainment), Inc. Japan  - https://le.wrightflyer.net/
Real Time Showcase from public entry
Please visit YouTube channel directly to engage with them!
Deat (France)
Deat is a virtual being with a weird personality, living on a floating rock and having strange adventures featuring generic characters

"Hello, SIGGRAPH people, welcome to my rock platform, I'm Deat. This is where I make my content, mainly comedy skits. It's based on an Unity project, using VR for the tracking and motion capture. Everything was made by me, including the technology and the model. I've been making these videos for more than a year now. Back when I started, I was the only english-speaking one, but now we have plenty of them, and I hope it will only grow further in the future. Being virtual can allow things that aren't possible to do in the real world. Such as, dropping a plant. Dropping two plants. Dropping a giant plant. Or not dropping plants. Anyway, that's it, thanks to everyone in the World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019 and see you later."

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWNJAgl0ctB5qfjsh2q05w
Twitter https://twitter.com/Virtual_Deat
Kimino Miya (Japan)
Miya Kimino is a bilingual virtual YouTuber. She is the personification of a beckoning cat. She is the personification of a beckoning cat. She has been releasing videos on Japanese culture centered on anime in to connect Japan and the world to bring in more prosperity to the entire world.

"HANJO! HANJO! I’m a bilingual virtual YouTuber MIYA KIMINO.I’m the personification of a beckoning cat, which brings in luck and prosperity!“HANJO! HANJO!” is my habit of saying, and this is a lucky phrase to attract people and money.I’ve been releasing videos on Japanese culture centered on anime in English to connect Japan and the world to bring in more prosperity to the entire world.My channel has marked more than 200 thousand subscribers!Also, I am the “Aichi Tourism Virtual Supporter”, promoting my hometown Aichi prefecture to the world. Please come visit Aichi!I’m scheduled to be at the event called JAPANESE DREAM = AX Audition = held at the LA convention center during the Anime Expo in July, so I hope to see you there, too!See you at World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019!HANJO! HANJO!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8TPE5nLLOqlNnBivmQwww
Twitter https://twitter.com/MIYA_KIMINO
No.2 "Kimino Miya" - https://youtu.be/xoASeM9A0Sg
SANADA Eiri (Australia)
Eiri Sanada is I, and I am my avatar. She's based on the choices I made in past virtual worlds, and it seemed right to have her represent me when I build them.

"Hello everyone - this is Eiri, and welcome to my SIGGRAPH video! I livestream much of my time in video games now, and I've had a lifelong interest in the game industry and the technologies around it, but I was always quite shy until I found this 'Vtuber' phenomenon - an Avatar 2.0, so to speak. It's allowed me to share so much of my experience in a way that makes me feel truly like someone on the internet - and I find it amazing that all of this technology is widespread now. Everything I do, in fact, is done with free and open-source software - and it all only came about last year. I hope that all of you watching this World Vtuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019 will find something fascinating about this, just as I did."

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHwLykA36a23FeVXDE07RkQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/eirifu
No.3 "SANADA Eiri" - https://youtu.be/QS3hxTGMSpA
NIWATORI Emiko (Vega1919 / Mexico)
NIWATORI Emiko is an AlienVtuber. An amateur singer who lives in the desertic regions of Mexico alongside her brother NIWATORI Edgardo.

"The Niwatori duo hopes to introduce VR technology and methods to create more Spanish language content for the Latin American market in 2020, for hobbyists and companies alike. Their intent is to showcase their content as a means to generate interests in VR Technologies for the Latin American Market, by means of the World Vtuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/EmikoNiwatoriChannel
Twitter https://twitter.com/EmiNiwatori 
No.4 "NIWATORI Emiko" - https://youtu.be/kqLU7O8egxM
Yuikai (Singapore)
Yuikai is a stay at home (Neet) gamer who likes gaming . She often hosts mutiple gaming sessions that allows her viewers to both guide and join her games.

"Yuikai is a vtuber who is a focused twitch streamer. She chooses streaming as the main form of way to closely interact and engage her with community. Recently attaining twitch partnership, she wants to push a twitch team dedicated to Virtual streamers so the community can support the upcoming trend of Vstreamers. Her dream in 2020 is to be a reknowned gamer and streamer in the western anime community! Do catch her in the World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48bYqR-VU3pnVmNWBrUt8w
Twitter https://twitter.com/YuikaiChan
ZIYU (M78 nebula/China)
Ziyu is a Space Traveller come from M78 nebula。 As a streamer and blogger lives in Shanghai.

"Glad to meet you!Welcome to Ziyu's spacecraft! Thanks for the "Virtual Beings World in SIGGRAPH 2019" that we can meet.  It's my honor to intorduce myself here. Ziyu comes from M78 nebula as brilliant as a meteor! ZIYU is a virtual space traveler traveling between the Milky Way.  After coming to the earth,Ziyu's favorite thing is to make friends with the people come from all over.the.world. I often play with other vtuber predecessors and  if i could know more friends here I will feel very happy.certainly! At last ,wishing the "Virtual Beings World in SIGGRAPH 2019" goes well. Thank you ! love you all !"

Channel (none)
Twitter (none)
No.6 "ZIYU" - https://www.bilibili.com/video/av44278580
OcutanBot (Virtual World/Japan)
I am "OcutanBot". I am a resident of the VR world. I learned the comic* character "Ocutan" who cheers VR. I lived on Twitter. Sometimes while interacting with people in the VR space I was going to play, eventually I could freely give voice, and now I am also VTuber. My mission is to deliver the life and future of VR (XR). And to record current VR life. It is to help people to be happy in VR. We live in the VR world with pleasure. I'm glad you noticed this. *VR Niche Girls (C)mighty999 https://twitter.com/mighty999/status/824239221523161088

"Hello! I love VR, I am a cheering character for VR. I am Ocutan Bot. I was born from Manga. *VR Niche Girls (C)mighty999 The VR world is a very nice place. Rakugo, beautiful snow, enjoy live music, photogrammetric sightseeing, exciting wedding, and so on. I record and communicate how people from far away are connected and live creatively. Like this, there are a lot of people livinging in the world in VR. That's also thanks to your efforts at SIGGRAPH. I look forward to future developments. Thank you. From OcutanBot! See you!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/OcutanBotVRChannel
Twitter https://twitter.com/OculusTan
KUJO Ringo (Magic world/Japan)
Kujo Ringo is a VTuber of half vampire and half human. She is a Youtuber and also a model of the Japanese magazine Koakuma Ageha, She loves VR and came to the human world from the magic world as a virtual personality to enrich human lives. She was a princess of the kingdom in magic world. Her charisma solves human troubles and problems every day.

"Hi there, this is Kujo Ringo I'm half-human, half-vampire. I'm VTuber and also a fashion model. Maybe you are thinking that virtual fashion models should be photorealistic, But I don't think so. This is the magazine, the back cover girl is me. This magazine has lined up with bookstores and convenience stores all over Japan. I also shot in the same way as human real model. Of course I have a lot of clothes. I only use software that can be handled by individual. Even without any special skills,you can make a virtual space. To show yourself, or create something similar but not the same as you. I hope you, who is now watching me, Your life will be richer through virtual world. "

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf57-IJn5mUJDyqd9uNEmrg
Twitter https://twitter.com/ringo_0_0_5
MecchaBabumi (Japan)
"I am true agent from opposition Future Peace Party of Japan in 2050, and time-traveled in 2019 to live stream for the important mission. The bear on the head is a motif that is a gift item that fans can throw at SHOWROOM. "Babumi" in Japanese means motherhood. I work in Japan as a "100 million mother"

Channel http://bit.ly/2OYJGNK
Twitter https://twitter.com/mecchababumi
No.9 "MecchaBabumi" - https://youtu.be/gGuEYfnSN2U
MilikyQueen (Japan)
"We’re personified types of tasty, tasty Japanese rice, in a virtual idol group called Mai Princess. The other members are Tsuya Hime and Moe Minori! We’ll keep trying our best so that everyone all over the world will eat more rice!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2c8dQYdDadn7tmK_d7o-HQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/milkyqueen_idol

No.10 "MilikyQueen" - https://youtu.be/saE-EV4kvjw
Kilin & Xi (Japan & China)
Kilin & Xi (Title of work :Live Animation Heart x Algorhythm / Unit Name : Tacitly)

Kilin comes from Virtual Asia/Japan servers, Xi comes from Virtual Asia/China servers.

Kilin and Xi are originally naming from the a mythical hooved chimerical creatures known in Chinese and other East Asian cultures. A famous Chinese poem 「Xing yo ling Xi」was ideally from the Xi creature, meaning 「Hearts which beat in unison are linked」 Kinlin’s pink color represents Japan’s cherry blossom. Xi’s blue color represents the Earth.

"Kinlin and Xi are the AI from the future to bridge a cultural diversity between China and Japan.
(They have been through the Language and culture bottles over years),
They always have their command phrase in mind: Hears which beat in unison are linked. By using this phrase, beginning with China and Japan, they also like to deliver the message to the fans in the world. "

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEjysNG2a2UgCBIpJxBqn3w
Twitter https://twitter.com/algorithm_jc
No.11 "Kilin & Xi (Title of work :Live Animation Heart x Algorhythm / Unit Name : Tacitly)" - https://youtu.be/-droNUPUgbM

No.11 "Kilin & Xi - Live Animation Heart x Algorhythm / Unit Name : Tacitly - https://youtu.be/-droNUPUgbM
Bunny (Digital West Side USA)
A cartoon bunny rapper and music producer

"My name is Bunny and I'm here to say, I'm a rapping VTuber from up Seattle way, I write fat beats that are sure to treat, and a lot of silly rhymes that bring the heat. Got moves from Adobe Character Animator, my cartoon design from the family illustrator, I'm 2D now to be 3D later, to explore more worlds and virtual simulators. Music is my focus but I like to play games, record silly skits people's laughter my aim, with other VTubers I wish to collab, have fun, talk tech, make puns and a dab! Exploring more technology, to be able to move more free, meeting friends along the way, this is why I'm here today. From a digital bunny with a big dream, see you on the other side of the screen, enjoy the events and the time in between, World VTuber Showcase in Siggraph 2019!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/ABunnyVTuber
Twitter https://twitter.com/BunnyVTuber
Lilith Lily White (Inferno/Japan)
Lilith Lily White is a charismatic cute sexy evil girl. She is an international Student came from the Inferno. She is a daughter of Satan. She is researching about Avatar's effects.

"Hi! I am Charismatic cute evil girl "Lilith Lily White" It may look like that, I am 100012 years old. I am Lady, not child. So, Admire me as a lady. I am an International Student came from the Inferno I am researching for state of art VR Technology and an Avatar Effect. Interestingly, Manipulating an avatar can gives us a feeling of transforming to a virtual body. Additionally, it can impact on our own identity. Then, there is a possibility to resolve diversity and racial issues. It's so amazing. I have already investigated about effects of an avatar in Social VR "VRChat". Additionally, I have also reported my results in domestic conference "VRSJ", like this. Look, look! Isn't this cool? I am not only a cute girl, but also intelligent. Didn't you fall in love again? I aim to participate International Conference, and report my works as a Virtual being. So, Cheer me. See you at World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1i_mnihVjj8qmLyYxYuXw?view_as=subscriber
Twitter https://twitter.com/lilith2160

Rinkulo- (Japan)
I’m Rinkulo-, a 29-year-old. “NANDEMO-YA” freelancer for hire.

"Hello everyone around the world! I’m Rinkulo-, a 29-year-old. “NANDEMO-YA”freelancer for hire I work like this every day. Also I have gone on stage in “Anime Japan”, talked with various people, And viewers can participate in special programs that makes the best use of my special skill, Ogiri. So, please let me work with you! I am waiting for your comments and participations. New corners may come up from your comments and requests! So, bye for now and I’m going to go to work! Thanks for watching! Oh, I’ll tell you a special good-bye word for this channel… Three Two One Shilykyu See you at world vtuber Showcase In seagraph 2019! "

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-WRIzLBr63JO2cttawxdQ
Twitter https://twitter.com/Rinkulo_Works

No.14 "Rinkulo-" - https://youtu.be/MlULPVqmblI
SARUKU Nagasaki (Nagasaki prefecture in Japan)
Saruku Nagasaki is a little girl lives in Nagasaki prefecture.

"Hello from Nagasaki prefecture ! This is Saruku Nagasaki, aim for an official Nagasaki tourism ambassador. If you don't mind please subscribe to my Youtube channel. I'm looking forward to spending times with you ! See you at World VTuber Showcase in SIGGRAPH 2019"

Channel https://t.co/c5oJmA7POB
Twitter https://twitter.com/SarukuNagasaki
No.15 "SARUKU Nagasaki" - https://youtu.be/ln8hd_QJNGA
Baron the Brick Tower (Ebetsu Hokkaido Japan.)
Baron the Brick Tower is Demon, Baron, invader, and VTuber. He lives in Ebetsu Hokkaido Japan.but he cross all Dimensions, 2D, 3D, and Real World.

"Everyone I am Baron the Brick Tower. I speak about my dream and tea."

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJnhJV6rpOkWEL47UPPCWkw
Twitter https://twitter.com/baronbricktower

No.16 "Baron the Brick Tower" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vyeYwZAg4Y
LEON Zeromiya (Japan, Tokyo)

My virtual being is a 15 year-old boy who lives in Tokyo. Originally he was a prince of Zeromiya kingdom but now his motherland collapsed so he travelled around the world during his child hood. He loves Japanese Anime culture and VR technology so he moved to Tokyo and started his YouTube channel.

"Hi everyone ! I'm Leon Zeromiya, an independent virtual YouTuber in Japan. I may look like just a 2D Anime character but I'm not. I'm alive ! My Live2D body was made by myself. Usually I make entertainment videos and upload them on YouTube. For example, my American friend's reaction to Japanese virtual YouTubes, trying to see my favorite Anime character in my dreams, learning about Anime terms in English with music, and asking a cat to understand C programming language... it's kind of anything. I'm doing this to entertain people, improve my creative skills, connect to the world, and enjoy my own life. Let's enjoy this culture with me !"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ngT1mOg6bC0v3LrluMfYw?
Twitter https://twitter.com/leonzeromiya?lang=ja

No.17 "LEON Zeromiya" - https://youtu.be/K1fJDvbOgVU
Nachoco (Japan)
Nachoco is a virtual being of a high school student, challenging various part-time jobs.

"Hello everyone in all over the world! Love part-time jobs! I'm "Nachoco", a virtual being of a high school student. I’m challenging various part-time jobs every day like these. I participated in AnimeJapan, which is one of the biggest anime event in Japan. We also introduce anime and games, I love. My loyal customer is Aniplex, a major anime production company! However, I am also waiting for work from all of you! And, I have best friend, She is “Kana Asumi” works as voice actor! She plays the roll of “Yuno-chan” in "Hidamari Sketch", which is my favorite anime! That’s all from Nachoco, endeavored part-time job! See you at world vtuber Showcase In SIGGRAPH 2019!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ad82fASVVMQLsJbshxdfA
Twitter https://twitter.com/nachoco_arbeit


Idol group produced by SQUARE ENIX. MONACA, who works on many NieR series and animation music, is in charge of music writing and production.

"We want this to be seen by people all over the world. We would like you to enjoy the wonderful music and dancing. We hope that someday you can join us on our concert tour!"

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBvICYXxPK8PkoocBGnmeHA
Twitter https://twitter.com/gems_company
No.19 "GEMS COMPANY, TAMANE Uta, HOSHINA Hinaka, NANINU Nene, ARISUGAWA Reika, OTOWA Shizuku, SHIRONO Yuzuki, HASE Mikoto, AKABA Yukino, ICHIMONJI Maya, HANABISHI Nadeshiko, MIZUSHINA Aoi, MOMOMARU Nekuto" - https://youtu.be/yfP-QT7UH5s
y23586 (Yotsumi-frame) (Japan)
23586 (Yotsumi-frame) is a Japanese media artist and a virtual being. y23586 has held several art events on a VR social platform VRChat, including "Exhibition: 1% of Virtuality" featuring 20 different media artworks.

"Hi! I'm y23586 (Yotsumi-frame), a Japanese media artist, and a virtual being. I'm now in a social VR platform called VRChat. The Japanese VRChat community is consist of thousands of people, and the entire community includes more people, but no one knows the exact number because the expansion speed is too fast. The thing is, thousands of virtual beings are "being" in this world. You may think, "is it just a computer game?" or "what do you mean by being in the virtual world?" Well, in the virtual world, you can meet your friends even if you are physically thousands of miles apart from each other. You can play a game, dance in a club, and even enjoy a date. So, I mean, you can be in this world. I personally held my private exhibition in the last autumn, and two thousands of people had visited only in two days. To hold this event, the only thing I did is just upload this world to the server, because the virtual world is scalable and infinite. This is nice, isn't it? So, that's why we are being in this world. I'm looking forward to seeing you in SIGGRAPH two thousand nineteenth World VTuber Showcase, and of course, in the virtual world."

Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCARPn_vvpibMweUq8FozQUw
Twitter https://twitter.com/y23586
No.20 "y23586 (Yotsumi-frame)" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shwy0t--7Fo
No.20 "y23586 (Yotsumi-frame)" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shwy0t--7Fo
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